One-to-One Computing Classroom Resources



1 to 1 Activities

Management and Strategies


Professional Development

Funding and Justification














1 to 1 Activities

Classroom Scenarios

1 to 1 Computing Scenarios (DOC; 11 pages)

Alternative Activity for Pedagogical Practice in Module 8

Managing Student Use of Computers (DOC; 1 page)

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Management and Strategies

Teaching with Laptops: Classroom Management*

How to use a limited number of laptops in the classroom, how to care for and protect laptops, and how to facilitate student communication on computers

Getting Results with Laptops
(PDF; 15 pages)*
An article from Technology and Learning on the success of 1:1 computing

MacArthur High School Puts Technology in Hands of Every Student
(PDF; 8 pages)*
A case study revealing key strategies for systemic school improvement that MacArthur High School used to ensure success in its one-to-one program

1:1 Computing in Support of Science and Mathematics Education:
Recommendations for Large-Scale Implementations
(PDF; 43 pages)*
A white paper on strategies for 1:1 computing by The Concord Consortium

Anytime Anywhere Learning Foundation: Reference Library*

Links to recommended reading—both digital and book form

Laptop Learning Challenge*
A collection of exemplary lesson plans using laptops in the classroom


Laptops and Learning Resources*
Articles and resources from Gary Stager on learning with laptops


1-to-1 Computing*
A site with articles regarding 1:1 programs
Note: Scroll down to access articles under the category of Laptops/Wireless Networks.


Creating a Successful Wireless Laptop Program (PDF; 5 pages)*
A Classroom Connect newsletter article on what worked for 1:1 computing in a Connecticut school and how to get started


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Miracle or Menace: Teaching and Learning with Laptop Computers in the Classroom*
A study in Education Quarterly of integrating laptops into classroom instruction found statistically significant improvements in student learning

A Study of One-to-One Computer Use in Mathematics and Science Instruction at the Secondary Level in Henrico County Public Schools (PDF; 58 pages)*
A study of 1:1 computing use in math and science by SRI International

The Impact of Portable Technologies on Teaching and Learning: Year One Report (PDF; 43 pages)*
A report summarizing key learnings from a 1:1 computing project


Anytime Anywhere Learning Foundation: Research Articles*

Links to research on 1:1 programs


Northwest and the Islands Regional Technology Consortium (PDF; 14 pages)*
A report on lessons learned from 1:1 programs covering planning, training & professional development, managing change, hardware & software, and monitoring & evaluation

One-to-One Information Resource: Research and Reports*
Reports about one-to-one teaching and learning programs in K-12 schools

Ubiquitous Computing Evaluation Consortium*
Links to several laptop initiatives and evaluations of those programs


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Professional Development

Anytime Anywhere Learning Foundation: AALF Events*
A calendar for professional development and conferences related to 1:1 computing


Teaching with Laptops: Teacher Preparation and Development*

Eight preparation and development activities to enhance a pre-service teacher preparation program or in-service teacher professional development program
Lessons Learned About Providing Laptops for All Students (PDF; 14 pages)*
An article that discusses what has been learned in 1:1 computing, plus various links to supporting articles and studies

Northwest and the Islands Regional Technology Consortium (PDF; 14 pages)*
A report on lessons learned from 1:1 programs covering planning, training & professional development, managing change, hardware & software, and monitoring & evaluation

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Funding and Justification

The Maine Learning with Laptop Studies: Advocating for your 1-to-1 Initiative*
Information and suggestions for helping educators and school leaders prepare to defend a 1-to-1 computing program


Speaking Out
Laptop Woes: Bungling the World's Easiest Sale*
An essay on the justification for laptops in District Administration

One-to-One Computing:
It’s Not Whether Every Student Gets a Computer, It’s When*
A persuasive argument on the necessity to fund 1:1 computing programs in Education Week
A Computer on Every Desk*
A article in Edutopia stating the urgency on moving forward with 1:1 computing
Selling the Dream of 1:1 Computing*
A series of answers to support 1:1 computing and suggestions for how leaders might inspire the hearts and minds of teachers, parents, and community members
The Maine Learning with Laptop Studies*
Information and ideas for funding a 1:1 program

Effective 1-1 Computing: Putting the WHY before the HOW (PPT; 8 slides)*
A presentation on 1:1 computing by Jim Moulton

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