Related Copyright Resources Web Links


Copyright Resources on the Web

Obtaining Permission to Post Student Work on the Web

Obtaining Permission to Use Copyrighted Work
















Copyright Resources on the Web


A Visit to Copyright Bay*

    Also available: An Interactive Quiz of Scenarios*

Fair Use Of Copyrighted Materials*

Education World: The Educator's Guide to Copyright and Fair Use

Fair Use Guidelines For Educational Multimedia*
Complete document provided by Georgia Harper;
prepared by the Educational Multimedia Fair Use Guidelines Development Committee, July 17, 1996

Copyright Basics*
by the U.S. Copyright Office

The Copyright Website*
by Benedict O’Mahoney

Copyright Law in the Electronic Environment*
by Georgia Harper, University of Texas

10 Big Myths about Copyright Explained*
by Brad Templeton

A Proposal For Educational Fair Use Guidelines For Digital Images*
by Georgia Harper, University of Texas

List of Links to Other Copyright Sites*
by Georgia Harper, University of Texas

“When Works Pass Into the Public Domain in the United States”*
by Cornell Institute for Digital Collections



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Obtaining Permission to Post Student Work on the Web


Madison Metropolitan School District’s "Procedure to Publish Student Work on the Web"*

Parent Permission Form for World Wide Web Publishing of Student Work*
By Bellingham Public Schools  

Student Permission to Publish*



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Obtaining Permission to Use Copyrighted Work


Sample Letter Requesting Permission*
Getting Permission – Detailed Instructions*



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