Index of /

EDC EndofTraining Summary_Q4-05.pdf                17-Apr-2010 00:00              246478
EDC_Educational Collaboration Colombia Intel_08..> 16-Apr-2010 00:00               68533
EDC_Essential 10 Unit Plan Executive Summary_08..> 16-Apr-2010 00:00              118840
EDC_Essential 10 Unit Plan Study_08.pdf            16-Apr-2010 00:00              937913
EDC_Essentials 2006 Impact.pdf                     16-Apr-2010 00:00              494370
EDC_Impact Summary_06.pdf                          17-Apr-2010 00:00              281287
EDC_Revolucion Educativa Colombia_07.pdf           17-Apr-2010 00:00              125932
EDC_RoleofICTinDevelCountries_09.pdf               17-Apr-2010 00:00              226705
EDC_USEssentialsUseofTech_06.pdf                   17-Apr-2010 00:00             1466620
INTELTeachThreeCaseStudies_09.pdf                  17-Apr-2010 00:00               65384
Light_PFIE_ColombiaStudy_09.pdf                    17-Apr-2010 00:00              143221
Price_EvalGoalsDesignStandardsBenchmarks.pdf       17-Apr-2010 00:00               63978
Price_Evaluating Effective Teaching and Learnin..> 17-Apr-2010 00:00               74762
Price_Impact of ICT in the Classroom_09.pdf        17-Apr-2010 00:00              763058