BIOS Graphics Splash Screen and Logo Processing Utility Copyright (C) 1996-1999, Intel Corporation You may use the Software internally to create and flash your company's name, logo or message into the Intel BIOS splash screen in place of Intel's name and logo. 1. TABLE OF CONTENT: Section Introduction 2 Requirements 3 Command Line Parameters 4 2. INTRODUCTION: This utility converts a 16-color Microsoft(R) Bitmap file into a BIOS logo file format, and generates files to be imbeded into the system BIOS or stored in a non-volatile storage. This BIOS logo file can be stored into the flash-memory on motherboards using an Intel BIOS Upgrade Utility. During BIOS Power-On-Self-Test (POST), the system BIOS looks for, and displays the logo on the screen. 3. REQUIREMENTS: This utility can only be used on motherboards that support OEM Logo Display and Graphics Mode Display during POST. This utility supports images with up to 16 different colors specified by Red-Green-Blue (RGB) values. This utility only supports bitmaps with an even width in number of pixels. OEM Logo or User Flash Scan Area: A 4 KB flash-memory user area is available for displaying a custom OEM logo during POST. Since this area is only 4096 bytes (4 KB) in size, the *.USR (LOGODATA.USR) file is limited to 4224 bytes (4096 bytes + 128 bytes User File Header). 4. COMMAND-LINE PARAMETERS: /Fu Specify filename of .USR file /r Row number (0..479) /c Column number (0..639) /jc Center the image /l[sp|sm] Create a splash screen/small logo (Default: splash screen). /s Logo area size in kilobytes /t Title string for .usr file /nologo Suppress copyright message /display Display logo with specified parameters /bg Fill background with the first pixel /v Verbose /? Help /h Help Examples: 1. This example displays the help screen SPLASH /h 2. This example creates a splash screen logo (/lsp), centers the logo (/jc), fills the background of the whole display area with the first pixel of the logo (/bg), stores the user file in "MYLOGO.USR", and displays the resulting logo to the screen (/display). SPLASH /lsp /jc /bg /FuMYLOGO.USR /display MYLOGO.BMP 3. This example creates a small/POST logo (/lsm), at row 100 (/r100), at column (/c100), and displays the logo to the screen (/display). SPLASH /nologo /lsm /r100 /c100 /display MYLOGO.BMP