Technical Advisory TA-551-1 (Addendum) Utility Use Instructions April 26, 2002 The utilites mentioned in this instruction sheet are referenced in the TSRLT2 & TSRMT2 Technical Advisory TA551-1. They should only be used on TSRLT2 or TSRMT2 server boards that are suspect of being affected by the issue described in the TA. The TSRLT2 & TSRMT2 server systems that are suspect will meet all of the following criteria: - Server boards with the following PBA - A46044-607 - TSRLT2 or TSRMT2 systems with a serial number within the range of: ZLA211xxxxx through ZLA2215xxxxx or ZMU211xxxxx through ZMU215xxxxx If a scan utilty determines your system has a rev 7 ADM1026 sensor chip on a revision –607 server board, please refer to the technical advisory for instruction on replacement process. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If a visual scan of the SCB2 Server Board is not possible or is inconvenient, Intel has provided 2 scan utilities to assist in determining if an operational TSRLT2 or TSRMT2 Server System is affected by the issue referenced in TA-551-1. Scan Utility #1) Hecver.exe: This is a DOS based utility to determine if a system is at risk. This is the recommended option, as it requires that no additional drivers or system manamgnet software be installed. - Boot the system using a DOS boot disk (Not provided) or to the TSRLT2 & TSRMT2 Resource CDROM that came with your system. - Copy the utility (Hecver.exe) to the appropriate media. - Insert the media; at the DOS prompt type "HECVER" (press return) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scan Utility #2) Hecwin2k.exe: This file is a Self-extracting zip file which contains all the necessary files to scan your system run under the Microsoft* Windows2000 operating environment. - Copy the file (Hecwin2k.exe) to a temporary directory under windows (example: "C:\HEC") on the server to be scanned. - Run the program (Hecwin2k.exe) to unzip the components. - Open a DOS window in that same directory (C:\HEC). - Type "INSTALL" to install the IMB driver (provided). This step is NOT needed if you are already running ISC (Intel Server Control) on the system. - Type "HECETAID" to determine if the system is at risk. - When complete, simply delete the temporary directory C:\HEC.