The contents in the CD include: Root directory of CD: - Auto Run Program, Chinese/English (autorun.exe, autorun.ico, autorun.inf) Chinese Directory: Auto run program, readme file, release notes, installation files and user manual, tutorial for Intel(R) Platform Administration Technology / Intel(R) PAT Content and Service Management, Chinese language versions - Auto Run Program, (autorun.exe) - Readme file (readme_CN.txt) - Intel(R) Platform Administration Technology Release Notes (ReleaseNotes_CN.htm) - Intel(R) PAT Content and Service Management Release Notes (ReleaseNotes_CSM_CN.htm) Document directory: - Intel(R) Platform Administration Technology User manual (IntelPlatformAdministratorUserManual_CN.chm£© - Intel(R) Platform Administration Technology White Paper (IntelPlatformAdministratorWhitePaper_CN.pdf) - Intel(R) PAT Content and Service Management Administrator Help (CSMHelp_Admin_CN.chm) - Intel(R) PAT Content and Service Management User Help (CSMHelp_User_CN.chm) - Intel(R) PATContent and Service Management Service Console Operator Help (CSMHelp_Operator_CN.chm) IPAT_Setup Directory: - CORE sub-directory - Agent sub-directory, Intel(R) Platform Administration Technology Agent files - Client sub-directory, Intel(R) Platform Administration Technology Client installation files - Server sub-directory, Intel(R) Platform Administration Technology Server installation files - CSM sub-directory - Client sub-directory, Intel(R) PAT Content and Service Management client installation files - Server sub-directory, Intel(R) PAT Content and Service Management server installation files - ServiceConsole sub-directory, Intel(R) PAT Content and Service Management console installation files Training directory: - Sub-directory Tutorial,Intel(R) Platform Administration Technology Tutorial English Directory: Auto run program, readme file, release notes, installation files and user manual, tutorial for Intel(R) Platform Administration Technology / Intel(R) PAT Content and Service Management, English language versions - Auto Run Program, (autorun.exe) - Readme file (readme.txt) - Intel(R) Platform Administration Technology Release Notes (ReleaseNotes.htm) - Intel(R) PAT Content and Service Management Release Notes (ReleaseNotes_CSM.htm) Document directory: - Intel(R) Platform Administration Technology User manual (IntelPlatformAdministratorUserManual_EN.chm£© - Intel(R) Platform Administration Technology White Paper (IntelPlatformAdministratorWhitePaper_EN.pdf) - Intel(R) PAT Content and Service Management Administrator Help (CSMHelp_Admin_US.chm) - Intel(R) PAT Content and Service Management User Help (CSMHelp_User_US.chm) - Intel(R) PAT Content and Service Management Service Console Operator Help (CSMHelp_Operator_US.chm) IPAT_Setup Directory: - CORE sub-directory - Agent sub-directory, Intel(R) Platform Administration Technology Agent files - Client sub-directory, Intel(R) Platform Administration Technology Client installation files - Server sub-directory, Intel(R) Platform Administration Technology Server installation files - CSM sub-directory - Client sub-directory, Intel(R) PAT Content and Service Management client installation files - Server sub-directory, Intel(R) PAT Content and Service Management server installation files - ServiceConsole sub-directory, Intel(R) PAT Content and Service Management console installation files Training directory: - Sub-directory Tutorial,Intel(R) Platform Administration Technology Tutorial Intel, the intel logo, Intel Inside, Pentium, Xeon and Celeron is trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. The other name or trademarks belong to their owners respectively and all rights are protected.