bits-2073 ========= - efi: Support EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_PROTOCOL and associated data structures - _socket: Use EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_PROTOCOL if available, falling back to EFI_IP4_CONFIG_PROTOCOL BIOSes based on current versions of EDK2, including current OVMF, only support EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_PROTOCOL, and drop support for EFI_IP4_CONFIG_PROTOCOL. Support configuring IPv4 via the newer protocol, falling back to the older protocol for compatibility with existing BIOSes. In either case, reuse the existing IPv4 configuration if present, and only kick off DHCP if not already configured. This also allows systems that require manual IPv4 configuration to perform such configuration (via the EFI shell, the BITS Python interpreter, or any other means) and subsequently use that configuration with BITS. bits-2070 ========= Highlights of the new release: - BITS on EFI now supports TCP networking, including HTTP clients via urllib2, and HTTP servers via BaseHTTPServer. See below for details and caveats. - BITS now has significantly improved Python and ACPI performance, thanks to Python's optimized memory allocator. This speeds up common Python and ACPI operations significantly, including BITS boot time. BITS can now boot in less than a second on virtual hardware. - BITS line-editing keys now work on EFI, and several more common keybindings from readline now work in BITS. Refer to `Documentation/line-editing.txt` in the BITS distribution for full input documentation. - Fix a hard-to-debug issue that led to crashes or malfunctions in FFI calls between C and Python, caused by EFI interrupts during assembly code corrupting stack data in the x86-64 POSIX ABI "red zone". - BITS now has a mailing list,; see to subscribe. Networking ---------- BITS on EFI now supports TCP networking, using the Python socket module and various modules built atop it. On EFI systems that provide `EFI_IP4_CONFIG_PROTOCOL` and `EFI_TCP4_SERVICE_BINDING_PROTOCOL`, we implement a `_socket` module in Python with support for TCP sockets over IPv4. We then include Python's higher-level socket module that runs on top of `_socket`. When constructing a socket for the first time, `_socket` will initialize the EFI network stack, which will typically use DHCP to obtain an address. Given a socket created with `s = socket.socket()`, you can establish an outbound connection with `s.connect((""), port)`, or create a server using `s.bind(("", port))`, `s.listen(1)`, and `client_s, addr = s.accept()`. Afterwards, use `recv` and `sendall` to communicate, or create a file-like object with `makefile`. See the socket module documentation at for more details. The efi module now includes the EFI protocols for IPv4 configuration, TCP over IPv4, and IPv4 DNS. The current Python socket implementation only supports TCP over IPv4. Also, as OVMF and other EFI systems do not include `EFI_DNS4_SERVICE_BINDING_PROTOCOL`, the socket implementation does not support hostname resolution (other than "localhost"). Both blocking and non-blocking sockets work. BITS now includes a safe Python interface to handle EFI events via callbacks, and uses this to implement sockets and the Python select module (`` only). For the receive side, EFI has no way to ask for available data without retrieving that data, so BITS will always kick off an EFI Receive call in the background when checking for socket readiness with no data available, and buffer the received data to supply to the caller. A blocking recv will wait for the data to come back; a non-blocking recv will raise a timeout after the configured socket timeout (possibly immediately), and a subsequent recv will return the data. Only one outstanding Receive call will run at a time, and only if BITS does not already have a buffer of received data. For the transmit side, a connected socket will always show up as writable. BITS does not buffer transmits itself, but instead always blocks until the EFI Transmit call signals its completion event. Non-blocking connect works as well; `` on a connecting socket for write will block until the connect completes, and a subsequent call to `getsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR)` will return (and clear) the connection status. For simplicity, do not attempt to reuse a caller's buffers for zero-copy networking; this is several-copy networking, optimized for simplicity and memory usage rather than performance. Building on this networking support, BITS now supports the Python urllib2 module and its dependencies, to function as a simple HTTP client. This also includes the Python modules urllib, urlparse, httplib, mimetools, and rfc822. Since BITS does not include DNS support, using `urllib2.urlopen` on an URL with a hostname will fail. An URL with an IP address works, as long as the server on the other end can handle a Host header with that IP address (which may fail with servers serving multiple domains using name-based virtual hosting). As a simple test, connecting to a server run via python's SimpleHTTPServer module works, which makes it simple to transfer data from a separate host system into the BITS environment without rebooting. Since BITS does not include an SSL library, `urllib2.urlopen` does not support https URLs. urllib2's support for digest authentication uses the random module, which we don't yet support; add a stub random module with no functions, so that importing urllib2 will work, but attempting to use digest authentication will raise an exception when attempting to call non-existent functions in random. Likewise, mimetools imports tempfile, but only calls it from `mimetools.pipethrough` (which also calls the unsupported `os.popen`); add a stub tempfile module with no functions. httplib uses `mimetools.Message`, which works. On the server side, BITS now supports the Python BaseHTTPServer module and its dependencies, to build simple HTTP servers. This includes the Python modules base64, hashlib, cgi, mimetypes, shutil, `dummy_threading` (without actual threading support), and SocketServer. To build a simple HTTP server, define a class deriving from `BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler` that implements handler methods for GET (and POST if desired), and pass that class to `BaseHTTPServer.test`. See the Python BaseHTTPServer documentation at for details. Note that since the sockets support does not yet support `SO_REUSEADDR` (the flag exists for compatibility, but does not yet map to any underlying EFI functionality), attempting to stop and immediately restart a server on the same port will likely fail with an EFI exception, indicating that the port remains in use. Performance ----------- BITS now enables Python's pymalloc allocator; this speeds up object allocations by an order of magnitude, which also affects common operations such as string concatenation. This reduces BITS boot time by an order of magnitude (now boots in about a second on virtual hardware), and provides similar speedups in every part of BITS and Python. BITS also uses Python's small-object allocator to allocate small ACPI objects, which speeds up many ACPI operations. Several of the longest-running tests in BITS, which measured CPU frequencies for many seconds to ensure a stable reading, will now optimistically attempt to use less wall-clock time if they get a stable reading more quickly, speeding up the BITS testsuite in the common case. Line-editing keys ----------------- BITS now supports a much more extensive set of line-editing keys at the Python interactive prompt, on both EFI and BIOS systems; all of these keys match the behaviors expected by readline-trained fingers. Refer to `Documentation/line-editing.txt` in the BITS distribution for full input documentation. Highlights include Ctrl-Left and Ctrl-Right to move the cursor by words, Ctrl-O to run and retrieve successive lines from history, Ctrl-W/Ctrl-K/Ctrl-U/Ctrl-Y/Alt-Y to kill (delete) and yank (paste) text, and Ctrl-C to interrupt Python code in progress (only on EFI). (Some of these keys previously worked on BIOS systems, but not on EFI due to input protocol limitations; BITS on EFI now supports and uses `EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_INPUT_EX_PROTOCOL` to obtain keyboard input directly from the firmware.) Ctrl-C support uses `EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_INPUT_EX_PROTOCOL` to register a key notify handler for Ctrl-C, which raises KeyboardInterrupt the next time the Python interpreter has control. This allows aborting a long-running operation, which would otherwise require rebooting. Note that this cannot interrupt a long-running operation in C code or in firmware, and that not all code in BITS cleans up perfectly after a KeyboardInterrupt exception. This introduces a new bits.input module to abstract keyboard input. On EFI platforms, this uses the EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_INPUT_EX_PROTOCOL; on non-EFI BIOS, this continues to use GRUB for input. Other enhancements ------------------ - testacpi: Speed up the ACPI `_PSS` test Before spending a full second measuring the frequency of a CPU at a given pstate, measure it for 100ms, and pass if we get the expected result; only fall back to 1s if that fails. This significantly speeds up the pstate test, which we run as part of the default test suite. - pstate: Speed up the hardware pstate test Before spending a full second measuring the frequency of a CPU at a given pstate, measure it for 100ms, and pass if we get the expected result; only fall back to 1s if that fails. This significantly speeds up the hardware pstate test, which we run as part of the default test suite on supported CPUs. - Allow ACPI evaluation to read and write IO ports by default Some systems, such as the third-generation Lenovo X1 Carbon, loop forever performing IO-triggered SMIs during ACPI initialization; the default behavior of blocking IO ports causes such systems to hang when initializing ACPI. Since we already allow memory accesses by default, allow IO as well. For compatibility and debugging, acpi.evaluate still supports the `unsafe_io` keyword argument; `unsafe_io=False` will explicitly disable IO port access, and `unsafe_io=True` acts as a no-op for compatibility with existing code. - acpi: Implement OS port access functions in Python Replace the C implementations of `AcpiOsReadPort` and `AcpiOsWritePort` with calls to callback functions implemented in Python. - acpi: In ACPICA initialization, don't switch the system into ACPI mode With IO port accesses enabled by default, ACPICA now successfully switches the system into ACPI mode during initialization; previously, the IO write to make this transition got ignored. On some systems, switching into ACPI mode disables BIOS keyboard support, which BITS relies on. Explicitly disable this transition in ACPICA initialization, to return to the previous BITS behavior and keep the BIOS keyboard working. - ttypager: Show progress while collecting output The pager collects output from writes to stdout, but doesn't display anything until done. Add a spinning progress indicator to help the user tell the difference between long-running output generation and a hang. - Turn on `Py_InspectFlag` so that `SystemExit` doesn't call C `exit()` Without this flag, if code running in the interactive interpreter raises `SystemExit`, the interpreter will call the C `exit()` function, which will abort GRUB entirely. With `Py_InspectFlag` set, `SystemExit` will propagate like any other exception. This then allows calling modules intended as standalone programs and continuing afterward. Such calls may still want to catch `SystemExit` and provide a more user-friendly result than a traceback. - init: Time the import and initialization of modules In the process, always put timing start and end messages on separate lines, so that a message printed between them will not break the formatting. - efi: Add a safe event callback mechanism using `Py_AddPendingCall` Since event callbacks can occur asynchronously, use a C callback that invokes `Py_AddPendingCall`, rather than a Python ctypes callback. - efi: Support `EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_INPUT_EX_PROTOCOL` - efi: Add GUIDs for EFI networking protocols - efi: Make `efi.show_available_protocols()` show output with the pager - testacpi: Test that all CPUs return the same `_PSS` - acpi: `AcpiGetTable` functions don't need full ACPI init Just call the early tables-only initialization before running them. - python: Support compiling with `Py_DEBUG`; BITS does not enable `Py_DEBUG` by default, but this allows developers to enable it at build time for low-level Python debugging. - Provide file and line number for calls to `abort()`, to aid debugging - efi: Return `ConfigurationTableDict` as an `OrderedDict` The order of configuration tables can potentially matter, so preserve it. - Merge the acpica, smp, and bitsutil modules into the python module This will allow calls from the other modules into the python module, without creating a dependency cycle. - efi: Make `efi.exit()` invoke any Python atexit handlers before exiting. This provides an opportunity to clean up before exiting. Note that not all EFI resource allocations perform such cleanup yet. - efi: Add constants for key scancodes - efi: Add a general keyboard callback mechanism Call `RegisterKeyNotify` with a C callback that calls into Python; once in Python, dispatch to a specific Python handler based on the key. - efi: Add more known UUIDs from the UEFI specification - python: Implement `time.sleep` Implemented as a busyloop in Python, rather than calling into C. We want to allow for background processing (such as events or keyboard notify handlers), and we don't currently have any means of actually sleeping while doing so. - python: Add `time.gmtime` for compatibility Timezones intentionally ignored; always assumes localtime matches UTC. - python: Set `sys.argv=[]` by default for compatibility Stock python sets `sys.argv` even when running the interactive interpreter. Some Python test functions check for arguments but don't handle the case of `sys.argv` not existing at all. Set `sys.argv` to an empty list for compatibility. Bugfixes: - Fix a bug on x86-64 EFI that would occasionally cause a libffi call or callback to malfunction (bad return value, `abort()`, or stack corruption and crash), due to an EFI interrupt corrupting data left in the red zone. Assembly functions in libffi's support for the x86-64 POSIX ABI (as used between BITS C and Python code, such as calls to ACPI) used the "red zone" defined by the ABI as scratch space; however, EFI firmware does not follow the same ABI, and an EFI interrupt can overwrite any data stored below the stack pointer. Thus, an interrupt that occurred during the small regions of assembly code relying on data in the red zone would cause rare, hard-to-debug issues. Fix these two libffi assembly routines (`ffi_call_unix64` and `ffi_closure_unix64`) to not rely on the red zone remaining untouched while they run; adjust the stack pointer to contain all scratch space, and only access data above the stack pointer. - Disable GCC 5.2's new `-Wdiscarded-array-qualifiers` warning for GRUB GRUB uses `-Werror`, and the GRUB 2.00 snapshot we use doesn't satisfy this warning. Pass `-Wno-discarded-array-qualifiers` to configure to disable the warning. - testacpi: Fix typo in `_MAT` test - smbios: Fix field name typo This caused an exception when decoding a `SystemEnclosure` with contained elements. - testacpi: When testing ACPI `_PSS`, preserve the current pstate Introduce a new `bits.preserve_msr()` context manager to preserve an MSR on all CPUs around a block of code. - pstate: Preserve the current pstate around the hardware pstate test - Update URLs in documentation to https where available - efi: Save configuration tables to file decoded as GUID and pointer - Fix typos in PCIe error injection - Makefile: Fix a race condition between parallel grub install targets Occasionally, the grub install targets for two platforms would both try to install the same platform-independent script (e.g. `grub-mkrescue`) at the same time to the same location, generating a spurious failure saying the file already exists. Fix by installing the grub binaries for each platform to a separate temporary directory. - python: Fix line history navigation with Ctrl-O Ctrl-O on a line in history submits the line and causes the next call to readline to start with the following line from history. That initial state caused readline to not have a recorded state for the line "after" all existing history (what would be a fresh new blank line if Ctrl-O had not left the "vertical cursor" back in history). Subsequently navigating down to the end of history would then raise an exception. Fix that downward navigation to materialize a fresh new blank line when navigating down from the last line in history. bits-2005 ========= - Makefile: Fix version calculation when not building from git bits-2003 ========= Track all BITS dependencies (GRUB2, Python, ACPICA, libffi, and fdlibm) as git submodules, rather than as separate tarballs to unpack. Split all BITS-specific changes to these dependencies as commits in those git repositories, making them easier to track, update, and upstream. Submodules also ensure that each commit to BITS has a matching version of all dependencies that it builds with, and that changes to BITS and corresponding changes to dependencies are committed atomically. BITS releases now provide a single source tarball containing both the BITS source and the dependencies under the deps directory. This avoids the need to unpack multiple source tarballs to specific locations before building. New features: - Add support to decode and execute ACPI error injection (APEI, EINJ) - Add explore option to decode and display variable MTRRs - smilatency: Add a new function to time explicitly invoked SMIs The new smilatency.time_io_smi function explicitly invokes SMIs by writing to an IO port (by default, port 0xb2), and times the duration of those SMIs. The port, the byte written, and the number of SMIs to average can all be changed via optional parameters. - Update Python to a post-2.7.10 snapshot that supports --with-computed-gotos. This improves the performance of the Python interpreter. - python: Support the glob, optparse, pickle, profile, pstats, and unicodedata modules - Provide a bits.rdtsc() function to directly invoke the rdtsc instruction. Previously, Python code used rdmsr on MSR 0x10. - Update to ACPICA 20150717 - acpi: Add summary before SRAT table decode - efi: Add SMBIOS3_TABLE_GUID Bugfixes and cleanups: - Makefile: Fix build on systems that change configure's default libdir The invocation of configure for grub did not specify --libdir, and assumed that it would end up as the default $(prefix)/lib. However, some distributions set a different systemwide default libdir (such as /lib64) in a way that affects the default for configured software. On such systems, the build would fail because it could not find files in GRUB's libdir. To avoid that, explicitly specify --libdir. - Makefile: When computing build version information, only use our own git repository If we don't have a .git directory, avoid searching upwards for a git repository. Otherwise, builds from beneath some other unrelated git repository would pick up a version number from there. - Don't hardcode a specific mwait hint value in pstate tests or cpu_frequency bits.cpu_frequency hardcoded an mwait hint of 0x20, and set that unconditionally, without restoring the original hint afterward. pstate.test_hardware_pstates and testacpi.test_pstates also hardcoded 0x20, and each had identical code to save and restore the original hints. Stop setting a hint in cpu_frequency; it now measures based on the current state only. Factor out the duplicate save/restore code into a new context manager bits.mwait.use_hint, and add a mechanism for CPUs to quirk the default hint to something other than 0x20. - bits.cpu_frequency: Stop assuming that APERF and MPERF use TSC frequency APERF and MPERF are only guaranteed to be proportional; MPERF need not actually match TSC. Read and use the TSC delta separately to scale the APERF/MPERF ratio. - Avoid calling bits.cpu_frequency twice when checking for availability. This speeds up the CPU frequency test. - bitfields.setbits: Fix bug referencing a name from the same module - topology.display: Let catch and display exceptions. - smilatency: Factor out the computation of TSCs per second as a helper. The new bits.tsc_per_sec() function computes the number of TSC counts per second; after the first call, it just returns the cached value. The new bits.format_tsc() function formats a number of TSC counts as a time string with units. - cstate_residency: Use the new bits.mwait.use_hint helper. This factors out common code, and ensures that the hint is restored after the test. - python: Fix time.localtime to accept float arguments - python: Make our file-like objects, used for stdout/stderr streams, support .flush() - Move some bits-specific modules into the bits.* module namespace This avoids possible conflicts between bits modules and standard Python modules. - Work around ACPICA bug: skip over initial NULLs from AcpiGetTableByIndex below index 3 ACPICA started reserving index slots for 32-bit and 64-bit FACS, and returning NULL for those that don't exist, with other tables starting at index 3. This breaks the previous API that allowed enumerating tables until the first NULL is returned. Work around that by always grabbing the first 3 (filtering NULL), and then starting the enumeration-until-NULL from 3 rather than 0. - acpi: Rename duplicate field in SRATMemoryAffinity - acpi: get_cpupaths: Fix handling of x2apic CPUs (with _UID) - acpi: Fix FACS parsing to return the parsed structure - cpudetect: Replace hardcoded list of CPU names with detection of available CPU modules - Move errno compatibility changes from pyconfig.h to errno.h. This allows them to support fdlibm as well, which eliminates one of our changes to fdlibm. bits-1219 ========= BITS now builds via a Makefile rather than a shell script. This allows the build to run in parallel, significantly speeding up builds. Note that unlike the build script, which autodetected the number of CPUs to build on, the Makefile uses the usual -j option to make. So, if you're used to ./build autodetecting your CPUs, you'll want to use make -j$(nproc) (or just directly specify your desired amount of parallelism, as you do with other makefiles). Use make V=1 to let make echo commands before it runs them. Use make LOCAL=1 to include local-files in the build (formerly ./build local). BITS now builds within a "build" subdirectory of the source rather than a temporary directory under /tmp. The build system no longer removes this directory as part of the build, only via an explicit "make clean", to make it easier to investigate the build results. Note that despite building via Make, BITS does *not* attempt to support incremental builds. We continue to recommend ccache to speed up rebuilds. Notable new features: - Add a menu entry to exit back to EFI. - Show on the main menu how BITS was booted: 32-bit BIOS, 32-bit EFI, or 64-bit EFI. - Support reading and writing control registers. bits.read_cr(apicid, n) reads CRn. bits.write_cr(apicid, n, value) writes value to CRn. Both functions return None on GPF. Various improvements to the pager: - When showing output from Python code via the pager, capture tracebacks and display those via the pager as well, so that they wait for input. Previously, if an exception occurred, it would flash on the screen briefly before returning directly to the menu, requiring a trip to the log to view the traceback. Also display the output produced before the exception. - Don't suggest going up when at the top of the output. - Mention Up as well as PgUp. - Clean up and simplify logic for EFI file handling and for displaying available options. Migrate quite a bit of code from C to Python: - efi: Remove and the underlying _efi methods supporting it Now that we can call EFI functions via ctypes, we don't need anymore. - Remove bits.malloc and bits.memmove, now unused with the move to ctypes - acpi: Use ctypes to call most ACPICA functions from Python, rather than wrapping them via the Python C API. This allows replacing several C functions with simpler Python equivalents. Because the 32-bit BIOS port uses a calling convention unsupported by libffi, introduce various trivial C wrappers that re-export ACPICA functions with the standard C calling convention. For AcpiWalkNamespace, introduce a more detailed wrapper that handles callbacks back into Python-provided functions. Export acpica_init to Python as well, and call it before calling the ACPICA functions. - acpi: Move unsafe_io handling from C to Python. Directly export the address of the variable and manipulate it using ctypes. - acpi: Add acpi.install_interface, wrapping AcpiInstallInterface, for use in the ACPI OS features menu. - acpi: Add an exception mechanism with error code names, and a function to transform an ACPI_STATUS value into an exception. This uses AcpiFormatException to decode error codes. - acpi: Add docstrings to ACPICA functions Migrate quite a bit of code from GRUB scripting (and supporting C and Python scaffolding) to Python: - Convert MWAIT latency test to Python, with a minimal C helper for the timing-sensitive portion. Delete the now-unused "timer" and "cpu_ping" commands. - Port mwait menu to Python - Drop code to force specific configuration profiles on Nehalem and Sandy Bridge. This code remains available in older releases, but drop it from the current version rather than porting it from GRUB configuration language to Python. - configure.cfg: Drop support for CPU-specific GRUB configure menu files, since no more such files remain. - Factor out a bits.brandstring() function to return the brandstring. - Generate the CPU name on the main menu using Python, and improve title to use CPU brandstring rather than maintaining a table of CPU marketing names in BITS. - Delete CPU family names and marketing names. - Drop GRUB-based CPU detection entirely. None of the GRUB config files depend on the variables this sets anymore; all CPU-specific code lives in Python now. - Remove the testsuite module and C expression evaluator. The GRUB CPU detection code was the last user of this. - Remove options to GRUB commands to run on particular CPUs. The GRUB CPU detection code was the last programmatic user of this, and command-line users can use Python for this. - Remove all GRUB commands and options not used manually. Nothing uses these commands programmatically anymore, so drop mechanisms to write to environment variables, operate quietly, run tests, format environment variables for display, sleep, or set mwait. A future version of BITS may remove the remaining commands entirely, in favor of Python functions, as the Python functions become increasingly high-level and convenient. If you still rely on the GRUB commands, please contact us. Migrating all this code from C and GRUB to Python allowed deleting over 9000 lines of code in BITS relative to the previous release. Other changes in this release: - Remove the runppm command to load and run power-management reference code; this is no longer used with current CPUs. - README.Developers.txt: Update for the switch to build with make. - README.Developers.txt: Update reference to GRUB version information. - README.Developers.txt: BITS doesn't need the todos command anymore. - acpi: Fix reinitialization after termination. Clear all of the initialization flags, so that reinitialization actually loads tables rather than failing. This fixes the menu items to change what OS features BITS advertises to ACPI. - acpi: Don't retrieve full table data just to check if a table exists. get_table and get_table_addr both return None for a nonexistent table, but the former returns a string containing the full table data, while the latter just returns the address. - acpi: Drop support for AcpiGbl_EnableAmlDebugObject. Our current setting for AcpiDbgLevel leaves the debug object always enabled regardless of this value, so drop it. - acpi: Add assert that the number of ACPI_OBJECT_TYPE values hasn't changed - acpi: Use "bool" to return errors from ACPICA initialization Stop using GRUB error codes, since the error code never gets passed through GRUB. Also use the proper type to hold ACPICA error codes. - efi: Add network-related protocol GUIDs - efi: Add EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL and a simple test function - Convert many modules to use "from __future__ import print_function". - testmsr: Remove redundant output in MSR result descriptions - Eliminate redundant acpica2.h header; move contents to acpica.h - Delete unused header file misc.h bits-1154 ========= - efi: Fix typo in type signatures of OutputString and TestString - NEWS.txt: Fix typos in release notes for bits-1151 bits-1151 ========= The "I FFI, UEFI, we all FFI for EFI" release. BITS now supports making EFI calls via the Python ctypes module, rather than manually using This provides simplified call syntax, type safety, better (reference-counted) memory lifetime handling, bounds checking, and the ability to have EFI call Python callbacks. All EFI protocols, functions, and types have been converted to use ctypes. This also provides automatic conversions to and from Python types as appropriate. For instance, functions declared to accept a c_wchar_p (a Unicode string) accept Python string and unicode objects: out = efi.system_table.ConOut.contents out.OutputString(out, "Hello world!\r\n") - Add support for the 64-bit EFI calling convention in ctypes Ship a separate copy of libffi with 64-bit EFI support added, and change Python's _ctypes module to support that calling convention. Add the uintptr_t and intptr_t types to our stdint.h, since libffi needs uintptr_t. - Convert all EFI functions, structure, and protocols to ctypes Now that ctypes can call EFI functions, convert all functions to use it, along with the corresponding types and protocols. This significantly improves type safety, memory lifetime handling, bounds checking, and similar. In particular, code should now almost never use from_address or addressof, since those produce raw addresses that may outlive the objects they point to; code using from_address should now use from_buffer or similar, and code using addressof should use byref or similar. Define a new type EFIFUNCTYPE, analogous to ctypes.CFUNCTYPE, for calls using the EFI calling convention. For convenience, provide a wrapper efi.FUNC that assumes a return type of EFI_STATUS (overridable with a keyword parameter "ret"). To simplify the process of translating EFI functions and structures from specifications, define appropriate EFI type aliases for ctypes types. For instance, EFI extensively uses the type UINTN for "an integer the size of a pointer", so the efi module defines that type as c_ulong. Using ctypes function types also enables many convenient conversions. For example, a function taking a parameter of type c_wchar_p can accept a Python string or unicode object. See the ctypes documentation for more details. When defining function parameter and return types, note that the ctypes types c_char_p and c_wchar_p have additional magic behavior above and beyond a normal pointer, to transparently accept and return strings. This behavior can be convenient, but it means that an EFI function specified to accept or return a pointer to CHAR16 may want to use either POINTER(CHAR16) or EFI_STRING (AKA c_wchar_p) as its type, depending on the desired semantic behavior. Use POINTER(CHAR16) (and create_unicode_buffer) for a pointer that EFI will fill in (since passing a temporary object converted from a Python unicode object would not produce useful results), or for a returned pointer that the caller must free via the EFI FreePool or similar (since the automatic conversion of return types from c_wchar_p to a Python unicode object would discard the pointer that needs freeing). EFIException now decodes known EFI error codes as symbolic names, in addition to showing the hex value of all error codes. Since efi now makes much more extensive use of ctypes types, switch from "import ctypes" to "from ctypes import *". Similarly, bits.present does "from efi import *" to get the EFI types. In general, modules that just call efi functions should "import efi", but modules defining new EFI protocols or structures should "from efi import *"., and the associated split64() magic for 64-bit parameters on 32-bit EFI, are no more. They will not be mourned. - Backport a grub change to fix a build failure on systems with new flex With current versions of flex, grub failed to build with this error: grub_script.yy.c:2367:13: error: 'yy_fatal_error' defined but not used [-Werror=unused-function] static void yy_fatal_error (yyconst char* msg , yyscan_t yyscanner) Fix that by backporting the change from git commit 9cc836a27be4a95f6f7bfd5b6bc099801645c0ea to disable additional warnings for the flex-generated lexer. - Disable -Wunused-value for Python Current Python on current GCC generates a -Wunused-value warning on uses of the PyObject_INIT macro, because it expands to a comma expression where the rightmost value goes unused if nothing looks at the return value. This warning turns into an error because of -Werror. bits-1146 ========= The "EFI, FFI, fo, fum" release. BITS now uses the Python ctypes module to access many types of data structures and tables in memory, not just EFI. The ctypes module now works for non-EFI builds, so modules such as acpi and pirtable can safely use it. This required modifications to Python's libffi and ctypes modules, to handle the various required calling conventions. See the new bits.cdata module for ctypes wrappers that provide improved printing, formatting, bitfield handling, and types such as GUIDs. Much of acpi, pirtable, mptable, and smbios now use ctypes instead of custom unpacking routines based on the struct module. Several new internal C routines provide access to data structures as addresses rather than Python strings, for direct access via ctypes. Further conversion to ctypes will allow significant reduction in C code in favor of Python. Thanks to many new optimizations, BITS 1146 starts up several times faster than previous releases: - The filesystem API layer for Python code now has a faster implementation of stat(), reducing the cases where it needs to enumerate the parent directory to find the appropriate directory entry. - The Python pydoc module (with its various dependencies) now loads on-demand when first invoked via help() or the pydoc command. - Python now supports the zipimport module, and loads the Python standard library from a zipfile. Other changes in this release: - Update Python to 2.7.9. Drop changes merged upstream, and add new stubs and compatibility APIs for functions now called by 2.7.9. - Update to ACPICA version 20141107 - Support the Python shlex module - The pager now supports saving the currently displayed data to a file on disk. Since this requires file write support, it only works when booted via EFI. - Print a message when starting BITS and when loading and initializing early Python modules, to help debug BITS startup and provide an indication of progress. - smbios: Decode many additional structure types, and add a preliminary Annex A conformance test. Includes contributions by Cathy Ji. - efi: Add constants, structures, and helper functions for HII configuration protocols. - efi: The efi_file class now provides context manager support, to work with the "with" statement. - efi: Add menu entries to save and print EFI tables, in both raw and decoded form. Includes the System Table, Configuration Table, Runtime Services. and Boot Services. Decoded versions include names for known GUIDs in Configuration table entries. - acpi: Optionally allow I/O port access from ACPI method evaluation. By default, ACPI method evaluation still ignores attempts to read or write I/O ports. However, acpi.evaluate now accepts a keyword argument unsafe_io=True to explicitly allow I/O. Also add a new debug printf to show attempts to access I/O ports; add "acpica_io" to the debug environment variable to see those attempts. - acpi: When running under EFI, support saving ACPI tables to disk as separate files, both raw and optionally decoded. - acpi: Generate the table-dumping menu items from Python. - acpi: Support dumping decoded ACPI tables to the BITS log. - acpi: Add a new load_table method to load an SSDT table binary into the ACPI namespace. Usage: acpi.load_table(table_data), where table_data is a string buffer of the SSDT's AML. The contents of the SSDT can be used to either patch existing or add new ACPI methods or data for debug purposes. Given a binary AML file stored on the BITS boot media as /ssdt.aml: acpi.load_table(open("/ssdt.aml").read()) - acpi: get_objpaths, display_objects, and dump now support limiting maximum object depth, with a new optional depth parameter. - acpica: Provide more logging and debugging functions, to help debug internal ACPICA failures. - _acpi: Add internal functions to get and set AcpiGbl_EnableAmlDebugObject - init.cfg: Add a commented example to enable verbose logging from Python; useful to debug Python module loading. Bugfixes: - acpi: Fix double-free in _eval error path when processing packages - acpi: Handle package arguments correctly in acpi.evaluate. acpi.evaluate attempted to convert tuples to ACPI packages, but did not recursively convert the objects in the tuple to ACPI objects, so any attempt to pass a non-empty tuple as an argument failed. Fix by recursively calling _acpi_object_from_python on each component of the tuple. - acpi: Handle CPU paths and Device paths separately. Evaluate the former to get a ProcID, and call ._UID on the latter to get a UID; don't do both on both. Make display handle processors with UIDs correctly, and format them correctly. - acpimodule.c: Fix unused parameter warnings Previously hidden by lax warning flags that ACPICA requires; this will allow re-enabling that warning via GCC pragmas. - efi: import efi from generated menu entries; avoid assuming that some other global Python code has already imported efi. - efi: Make EFI table saving more robust (and verbose). Add error handling for unusual boot scenarios in which the EFI boot filesystem does not match the GRUB root directory. - Avoid printing spurious pre-import messages for efi modules when not on efi. Using try/except to catch ImportError didn't stop the initial message from printing. Check sys.platform instead. - ttypager: When trying to import efi, only catch ImportError - When viewing the log, don't write the log to the log bits-1090 ========= - Update to ACPICA version 20140325 - Backport GRUB2 commit 4e42521d8c9232b6ee9eac7d8b4945a7479de781 to preserve 16-byte alignment of the stack on EFI calls - python: Support the csv module bits-1084 ========= - efi: Implement comparisons on GUIDs properly, including comparisons with UUIDs Fixes an exception in smbios and mptable on EFI systems when doing GUID lookups. - mkpresent: Work around bug in pdftoppm with rotated PDFs If the generated image has width and height transposed, rerun pdftoppm with transposed input values. bits-1081 ========= The "ctypes. ctypes run. run types run" release. This release introduces preliminary support for the Python ctypes module in EFI builds. This includes the initial infrastructure to compile libffi as part of BITS. ctypes data types, ctypes structures, and read/write access to memory work. This replaces many uses of bits.memory, struct.pack, struct.unpack, and the BITS unpack module. In particular, the use of ctypes data types and structures allows round-trip conversions from structures in memory to Python data types and back, generally without making copies. This initial implementation provides enough support for all the data structures in the efi module, which has now completely switched over to ctypes-based data types and structures. Notable limitations: - No support for non-EFI builds yet, because GRUB uses stdcall and regparm=3 for PC BIOS builds, which libffi does not support on non-Windows systems. - Function calls to EFI functions still require; the ctypes-based FFI does not yet work, as it does not understand the EFI calling convention. - dlopen does not work, so there's no way to obtain pointers to existing C functions to call. Note that to support this change, the version of Python built into BITS now internally uses UTF-16 (2-byte characters) rather than UCS-4 (4-byte characters), to match EFI. This allows the use of the ctypes functions for the C wchar_t type, rather than hand-rolled functions for two-byte Unicode. Python still has full support for all of Unicode, including characters outside the Basic Multilingual Plane; this just changes the internal representation. However, attempting to use characters outside the BMP in EFI calls may or may not work, depending on your firmware; your mileage may vary. This release also introduces support for reading and writing files using EFI. On EFI systems, BITS now has full support for writing arbitrary files to a FAT filesystem. The new efi.get_boot_fs() function will retrieve the filesystem BITS booted from, as an efi_file, a new Python file-like object. In addition to the usual file methods, an efi_file provides methods to open and create files and directories. For example: import efi root = efi.get_boot_fs() newdir = root.mkdir("newdir") newfile = newdir.create("newfile") newfile.write("Hello world!\n") Or, chaining the calls together (convenient for command-line usage): efi.get_boot_fs().mkdir("newdir").create("newfile").write(data) The new functions `acpi.efi_save_tables()` and `efi.save_tables()` use this new filesystem write capability to save copies of ACPI and EFI tables, for later inspection. Note that EFI firmware typically only supports FAT filesystems, not iso9660 (the filesystem used on optical media). The BITS .iso images, even when imaged to a USB disk, keep most of their files in an iso9660 filesystem, with the exception of a small FAT filesystem used to store GRUB itself as an EFI binary. Thus, get_boot_fs() will not produce the expected results when booting from an optical disc or from a disk created from a BITS .iso; for full read/write support, create a FAT-based BITS disk, following the procedure in INSTALL.txt. This release adds support for many new EFI protocols: - efi: Add read/write file support using FileProtocol, including a file-like object The efi_file wrapper includes the standard Python file-like methods (read, write, seek, tell, close, flush), EFI-specific properties (file_info, file_system_info, volume_label) and methods (delete), and methods to create or open another efi_file relative to a directory (open, create, mkdir). Also add a definition of the EFI SimpleFileSystemProtocol to open a block device, with a "root" property to get the root directory as an efi_file. Add a get_boot_fs() function to return the filesystem BITS booted from, obtained via the DeviceHandle of the LoadedImageProtocol on the image handle. Useful as the root for writing files. - efi: Add DevicePathProtocol and DevicePathToTextProtocol DevicePathToTextProtocol includes helpers to transform the returned paths into Python unicode strings, and then free the original memory. - efi: Add LoadedImageProtocol Other changes in this release: - python: Support the zlib module - bits.present, mkpresent: Use zlib to compress and decompress slide images Provides an order of magnitude improvement to disk usage and load time. - acpi: Add an efi_save_tables utility function to save ACPI tables to files As the name suggests, this function only works on EFI, since it uses the EFI file write support. In addition to the binary dumps, this also includes text decodes of selected structures, and enough address information to recreate the tables in memory. - efi: Add a function efi.save_tables() to save the core EFI tables to files - efi: As a workaround for limitations in the internal EFI function call interface, add a compatibility layer for 64-bit arguments on 32-bit platforms. Wrap 64-bit arguments in efi.split64(), and they will automatically be split into pairs of 32-bit arguments on 32-bit platforms, for compatibility with the current interface. - Add EFI tests. The first round of tests verifies the CRCs of the core EFI tables. - efi: Add a base class for EFI protocols Protocols are ctypes structures with an associated GUID; they provide a .from_handle classmethod to get the protocol from an EFI handle (via OpenProtocol) and wrap it in the protocol class. - efi: Add more known UUIDs - efi: When printing structures, format pointers and unsigned types as hex, and list out the contents of arrays. - efi: Various new helper functions: - Add a helper function check_status to throw an exception for != EFI_SUCCESS - Add a helper check_error_value to handle non-status return values. Some EFI functions return a non-status return value, but still use the EFI_ERROR bit to indicate an error. Add a helper that checks only that bit, and otherwise returns the value for subsequent use. - Add a locate_handles helper to call LocateHandle with a given GUID. This helper handles the two-pass memory allocation, and returns a ctypes array of handles. - Add helper functions to compute table CRC32 values. These compute the CRC32 as if the table's CRC32 field is 0, and then compare the result to the table's actual CRC32 field. - Add a helper function efi.to_bytes to convert a ctypes structure to raw bytes - README.Developers.txt: Document Python patches for ctypes and libffi bits-1048 ========= This release introduces a new bits.* Python module namespace for new modules, to keep the module namespace more contained: - python: Move bits to bits/ to allow modules under bits.* - python: Split pyfs functions out of bits into their own module, bits.pyfs - python: Split pause() into a separate bits.pause module to avoid a circular reference bits imported redirect for redirect.nolog(), for use in pause(), and redirect imports bits, creating a circular reference. Split pause() into its own module, bits.pause, to break that cycle. - Add new bits.pirtable module to find, parse, and test the PCI Interrupt Routing ($PIR) table Other changes in this release: - Add bits.present, a module for giving a presentation using EFI GOP - Add mkpresent, a script to generate slide images for bits.present - readline: Add a mechanism to hook function keys and call arbitrary functions - build: Support building local files into the .iso Useful for local testing; avoids the need to construct and subsequently modify a writable USB disk. - mptable: Support finding the MP Table on EFI via configuration table GUID - smbios: Support finding the SMBIOS tables on EFI via configuration table GUID - efi: Add known UUIDs for various protocols - efi: Create named constants for known UUIDs - efi: Add function to dump all protocols in use, using LocateHandleBuffer and ProtocolsPerHandle - acpi: Handle "local reference" objects - acpi: Add test for parsing MPST - mptable: Validate header length and checksum after finding an _MP_ signature If the length isn't valid or the checksum doesn't match, keep searching. - acpi: When displaying the RSDT or XSDT, decode the name of each table A list of table pointers is...uninformative. - acpi: Add a display_objects() function to show object types get_objpaths just retrieves all the object names; display_objects additionally shows the type of each object. - ttypager: Add a context manager that sends all output through the pager This avoids the need to manually accumulate a string and call ttypager on it, and thus avoids creating duplicate versions of functions, one with the pager and one without. Note that all output is deferred until the context manager exits, and the context manager captures all exceptions and displays the traceback through the pager. - acpi: Use the new ttypager context manager in display_resources - ttypager: Make home and end keys move to beginning and end, respectively - platform: Make cpuids and msrs iterable Walking them produces the list of all known (non-generic) CPUID and MSR decoded values. - platform: Add a dump() function to show all CPUIDs and MSRs for all CPUs - platform: Make platform.dump() display using the pager - Add an explore menu option to show platform information via platform.dump() - platformbase: Improve documentation printed with CPUID and MSR objects Show the APIC ID and docstring for CPUIDs and MSRs. - platformbase: Add a sanity check to MSRs to prevent instantiating the generic MSR The MSR class requires an MSR number, and does not set that MSR number itself. Subclasses that decode specific MSRs must set that MSR number. - python: Stop using Python 2.7 {set} notation, for 2.6 syntax compatibility BITS is built using Python 2.7, but with this one change, the modules are parseable using the Python 2.6 ast module, useful for running analysis scripts from a host system. Bugfixes: - acpi: Fix structure alignment and padding for ObjectInfo on 64-bit ACPI_PNP_DEVICE_ID contains an integer followed by a pointer, so it has padding in the middle on 64-bit. The containing structure has an 8-byte address which needs padding to an 8-byte boundary on 64-bit. Handle both of those instances of padding. - acpi.evaluate: Fix error handling when translating an object within a package When converting an ACPI object to a Python object, an unknown ACPI object type will set the Python exception and return NULL. However, when that error occurred within a package, the caller would then add that NULL to the package and continue, rather than propagating the error. Fix the package-handling code to reclaim the tuple and propagate the error further up. - acpi: Fix unpacking of object info structure Invalid strings still have both a length and offset to unpack, even though the length is 0. - python: redirect: Drop unused import of acpi - testacpi: Fix typo in a test description - python/ Fix typo in an MSR name bits-1007 ========= The "64 bits ought to be enough for anyone" release. Add initial support for 64-bit EFI. A BITS .iso image will now boot as either a disk image or CD image for any of 32-bit BIOS, 32-bit EFI, or 64-bit EFI. For updated installation procedures, see INSTALL.txt. Add a GRUB patch to 16-byte align the stack for grub_main(). The x86-64 ABI requires a 16-byte-aligned stack, which GRUB did not provide. That caused some crashes, notably when running some SSE instructions. Fix by aligning the stack in assembly before calling grub_main(). Port SMP support to support running processors in 64-bit mode: - Add CPU bringup code for 64-bit long mode. Port all remaining assembly to 64-bit, and to the 64-bit ABI. - Since long mode requires paging, pass the page-table pointer from the BSP (as set up by the firmware) to the APs. Note that the current approach to this will fail if the firmware relocates its page tables above 4GB after its initial page table setup. Also note that since all memory requires mapping via the page table, accessing memory not mapped by the BSP page table (such as a wild pointer supplied by a firmware structure or an adventurous tester) will trigger an unhandled page fault and unceremoniously die. - Increase the size of the SMP working memory to accomodate larger data structures. - Use a relative offset in the GPF handler, not an absolute offset; that avoids the need for a 64-bit offset. - Port IDT parsing and setup from assembly to C. - Port many assembly functions to use inline assembly, eliminating their calling-convention-specific prologue and epilogue code, to simplify the 64-bit port, and make the assembly more maintainable (by having less of it): - cpuid - pause - I/O port read/write - rdtsc - cli and sti - rdmsr - wrmsr - infinite loop - lidt and sidt - getting CS - drop_ap_lock - smp: Delete several bits of old unused code: - Unused assembly functions - Unused data structures - Unused function prototypes - The "real-mode callback" mechanism, once used to park CPUs before booting an OS, but eliminated long ago by simply leaving the CPUs in an mwait loop in memory reserved from the OS. - A synchronization variable that the AP code no longer uses (a relic of waking the APs up via SIPI each time we have code to run, rather than waking them up once and putting them in an mwait loop waiting for work to do). - Code that allows the function called via SIPI to return, now unused because we call a function that waits forever for work to do. Numerous cleanups to make C code 64-bit clean: - Use pointer types rather than integral types when appropriate. - Fix pointer-size and integer-size assumptions. - Fix printf format strings. - Make Python interface code 64-bit clean. Use Py_BuildValue and PyArg_ParseTuple 'k' conversions for pointers. Convert safely between some ACPI always-32-bit "pointers" and native pointers, with bounds checking. Consistently use "unsigned long" for an integer of the same size as a pointer. - Make various config defines and typedefs portable. - Rewrite Python's file <-> fd mapping to support sizeof(int) != sizeof(FILE *) Abstract FILE * <-> integer fd conversions into functions to make them easier to replace and more maintainable. - Handle overflow errors safely in fwrite() - python: fdlibm: Explicitly define __LITTLE_ENDIAN fdlibm autodetected __LITTLE_ENDIAN based on some compiler definitions defined for 32-bit x86, but not for 64-bit x86. Define it explicitly to bypass fdlibm's faulty autodetection. Only one change to make the Python code 64-bit clean; thanks to the wonders of a language with arbitrary-precision integers, the one and only change involves parsing data structures supplied by the (non-Python) firmware: - efi: Parse the (completely undocumented) padding after FirmwareRevision in system table Update boot support and documentation: - INSTALL.txt: Update installation instructions for EFI support - build: Build and install EFI binaries grub-mkrescue already creates EFI binaries and embeds them in the El Torito disk image for the .iso; however, those are not easily accessible for use when creating a writable disk image, and they don't include all the necessary modules to support disks. Build images with a more complete set of modules for disk support, and ship them in /efi/boot in the BITS binary distribution. - Add support for booting BITS .iso files as EFI disk images, via an even more hybridized hybrid .iso format. Introduces a dependency on xorriso 1.3.0 or newer, and backports several grub-mkrescue changes from upstream GRUB. - README.Developers.txt: Document that building the EFI image requires mtools (grub-mkrescue invokes mtools to construct the EFI El Torito disk image to embed in the .iso). The previous release introduced this dependency but didn't document it. Other changes in this release: - _bits: Split out SMP and ACPI functions into separate _smp and _acpi modules, making it easier to do incremental ports of _bits. - Move test verbosity level entirely to Python No tests use GRUB scripting anymore, so eliminate the test_verbose environment variable, and move the test verbosity level entirely inside the Python testsuite module. - build: Enable parallel builds on all available CPUs - efi: Expand variable-reading sample code to read and display variable values Uses both GetNextVariableName and GetVariable. Displays variable values as hex/ascii dumps, since they may (and usually do) contain non-ascii data, and the interpretation depends on the variable UUID and name. - python: Implement assert() and make it actually assert. GRUB's assert prints a message on assertion failure but then returns. Abort instead. Also support capturing and printing the assert expression. - smp: Verify that the SIPI target code fits in the region allocated for it The SIPI target code has to fit within the first 2k of the allocated SIPI target page, minus the size of the data structure passed to APs. Before expanding that code further, add a check to make sure it won't silently start conflicting with the data structure. - python: Move all the C/POSIX compatibility functions from inlines in pyconfig.h to a separate source file - testsuite: Remove the rdmem GRUB command No GRUB scripts use this functionality, and Python scripts have equivalent (and much more capable) functionality through bits functions. - pstate: Handle processors without turbo when testing hardware P-states - smilatency: Make the test variant that disables USB via BIOS handoff actually disable USB via BIOS handoff bits-945 ======== Add initial support for 32-bit EFI. BITS now builds GRUB and the BITS-specific GRUB modules for Python, ACPICA, SMP, and other support modules for both 32-bit BIOS (i386_pc) and 32-bit EFI (i386_efi), and constructs a .iso which boots both ways. The resulting .iso successfully boots as a CD using KVM with OVMF, and still boots as either a CD or hard disk on BIOS-based systems. Note that the .iso does not support booting as a hard disk on EFI-based systems. On EFI platforms, Python's sys.platform now returns "BITS-EFI"; BIOS platforms will continue to return "BITS". (Future 64-bit EFI support will also use "BITS-EFI"; use bits.ptrsize to find the native size of a pointer, and use the "P" type with the struct or unpack modules to pack or unpack a native-sized pointer.) On EFI, ACPICA finds the RSDP as an EFI configuration table rather than via memory search. BITS now provides an "efi" module with some preliminary interfaces to access EFI data structures and call EFI functions. This module provides all the functionality needed to find EFI interfaces by UUID and call arbitrary EFI functions entirely from Python, without writing any new C code. For example, to print an iconic greeting: import bits, efi greeting = efi.encode_UCS2_mem("Hello world!\r\n"), efi.system_table.ConOut._addr, bits.memory_addr(greeting)) The new efi module includes: - The function seen above - Helpers for buffer and UCS-2 Unicode string manipulation - efi.system_table, a decoded version of the EFI system table and all the structures and interfaces nested within it, including BootServices, RuntimeServices, and ConIn/ConOut/StdErr. - efi.print_variable_names, a larger code sample which demonstrates how to retrieve, decode, and print the list of EFI variables using GetNextVariableName - efi.log_efi_info, a function now called at BITS init time to log basic information about the EFI firmware, including the firmware vendor, the firmware version, the UUIDs of supported configuration tables, and the corresponding names for any recognized UUIDs. Expect the efi module interface to change in future versions as the support for calling EFI functions and decoding EFI data structures becomes simpler and easier to use. Note that EFI's default text input API doesn't support returning Ctrl-characters, making many common line-editing keys unavailable, and making the essential Ctrl-D keystroke to exit Python impossible; BITS now accepts Escape as an alternative to Ctrl-D. Other supporting infrastructure leading to EFI support: - bits: Add bits.ptrsize, which contains the machine's native pointer size (4 or 8) - bits: Add bits.malloc to create a new buffer of a specified size Through the wonders of garbage collection, there is no corresponding - bits: Add a memmove function to manipulate memory directly Needed to write buffer manipulation functions in Python rather than in C. - Add GRUB patch fixing EFI memory allocator page rounding The EFI memory allocator rounded allocation sizes up to 1k boundaries rather than 4k page boundaries. - Add GRUB patch to support allocation below 1M in the EFI memory allocator Needed to allocate memory for an IPI handler. - Add GRUB patch for EFI memory allocator memory type mapping EFI's AllocatePages call will refuse attempts to allocate memory and leave it marked as EfiConventionalMemory (free memory available for subsequent allocations), so map requests for GRUB_MEMORY_AVAILABLE into EfiLoaderCode rather than EfiConventionalMemory. - smp: After attempting to allocate a page below 1M, verify its address - smp: Allocate working memory with grub_memalign, not grub_mmap_malign_and_register On BIOS builds, the difference is harmless, but on EFI builds the latter calls the firmware's AllocatePages rather than using GRUB's internal memory allocator. Since we don't need to reserve the working memory after OS boot, we don't need to use the firmware's memory allocator. - smp: Handle systems where the BSP already has an IDTR On EFI, GRUB sets up a non-zero IDTR, rather than using the real-mode one IDTR at address 0. Fix that code path to not attempt to "restore" to a real-mode IDTR. Instead, save and restore the GPF handler in the existing IDTR around the function call in smp_function. - smbios: Gracefully handle systems without SMBIOS tables - mptable: Handle systems that don't have an EBDA On systems without an EBDA, the EBDA address in the BDA contains a 0; handle that rather than searching at 0. - smp: Find the MADT using acpica rather than searching for the RSDP in memory In addition to eliminating duplicate code, this allows smp to work on EFI, which finds the RSDP as an EFI system table rather than through a memory search. - readline: Add Escape as an alternate EOF character, for when Ctrl-D doesn't work EFI's default text input API doesn't support returning Ctrl-characters, making the essential Ctrl-D keystroke impossible; add Escape as an alternative. Also improves compatibility with GRUB's own command line, which uses Escape to return to the menu. Other improvements: - README.Developers.txt: Document that the lnxboot partition number patch got merged upstream GRUB merged the patch in bzr revno 5185. - mptable: Check for the MP Floating Pointer Structure in a non-spec-compliant location Some BIOSes put the MP Floating Pointer Structure in the 0xE0000 block, rather than a spec-compliant location like the 0xF0000 block. Search that block to find the table in that block, and add a test that fails on such BIOSes. - python: Split pyfs into a separate C module, _pyfs - smbios: Add a blank line before printing the SMBIOS information to the log - smbios: Wrap each SMBIOS structure when printing Build system improvements: - build: Build from copies of the source directories, not the originals The build procedures for GRUB and Python potentially leave byproducts in the source directories. Rather than attempting to clean those up afterwards, build from copies of the source and leave the originals pristine. This then removes the need to clean the source trees both before and after the builds. The build procedure now verifies at the beginning that the source directories appear pristine (no generated Makefile). - Support out-of-tree GRUB builds: Use $(srcdir) or $(top_srcdir) as appropriate when constructing include paths. - Configuring and building the same GRUB source tree for two different platforms fails without doing a clean in-between, so instead, do an out-of-tree configure and build for each platform. (See below for many other build system improvements.) - build: Set CCACHE_BASEDIR so ccache works on the temporary source copies Normally, ccache will never hit if the path to the source or include files changes; thus, copying all the source trees to a temporary directory makes ccache always miss. Set CCACHE_BASEDIR to the root of that temporary directory, so that ccache can still hit if the remainder of the paths match. - build: Copy grub modules manually rather than running grub-install Rather than running grub-install to copy grub modules, and mocking up all the other things it wants to do as no-ops, just copy the modules manually. Bugfixes: - acpi: Fix improper access to number_system_localities field which caused an exception. - In generated menuentries, stop deleting modules after import. - smp: Initialize working memory to 0 smp_init added a magic signature to its working memory, and checked for that signature to see if it had already run; however, smp_init did not clear its working memory after allocating it. On systems that don't clear RAM on reboot, smp_init would allocate its working memory at the same address each time, and would thus think it had initialized when it hadn't, causing Bad Things to happen. Fix by initializing working memory after allocation. - acpica: Make acpica_init_state static Nothing outside of acpica.c accesses acpica_init_state, so make it static and drop it from acpica.h. - bits: Make cpuid_result print all eight digits of its registers Format using #010x, since the 0x counts as part of the length. - testacpi: Fix typo in _PSD test bits-910 ======== - acpi: Add decode for all resource descriptors from ACPI _CRS and _PRS methods. - Add ability to discover, decode and display the MP Table. - SMBIOS: Add SMBIOS decode and display to Explore menu. - ttypager: ttypager can now detect redirect status and output to the log file. When redirect.log() is active, text sent to ttypager will be directed to the log file first and then metered to the screen with no further outputs to the log file. When redirect.nolog() is active, text sent to ttypager will be directed to the log file first and then ttypager will exit with no text sent to the screen. ttypager module's ttypager method has been modified to check whether redirect's log() or logonly() context managers are active and then to direct all cached output to the log before metering text to the screen. This allows ttypager to be used when the logonly() and log() conext managers are actively limiting outputs. The redirect module now has a module-level status indicating when the log(), logonly(), or nolog() context managers are active. - acpi: Add get_object_info() to get information from an ACPI namespace object. acpi.get_object_info() accepts an ACPI namepath and returns decoded information using ACPICA's ACPIGetObjectInfo(). - acpi: Add decode for software licensing-related tables MSDM and SLIC - menus: Discontinue deletion of imported Python modules used in menu entries. Deleting every module imported by Python menu entries impacts the interactive python interpreter environment. Only delete modules imported during BITS initialization, before the Python interpreter is available. - bits: Modify pause() method to only print the "Press any key..." message to the screen. - SMBIOS: Refactor SMBIOS class to move header fields into a separate class. - Bugfixes: - Make CPU frequency detection fail gracefully in the absence of APERF/MPERF - Fix Python reference leaks caused by Py_BuildValue "O" on a referenced object. Py_BuildValue's "O" type adds a reference to an object, while "N" expects an already-referenced object. Fix memory leaks caused by using "O" on an object that already has a reference. - SMBIOS: Fix the type of enumerated_type in SystemEnclosure, which is a bitfield, not a string. - P-state test now uses the one detected processor when no APIC table exists. - Only check for Turbo if 2 or more P-states exist. - PSD test now uses the new ACPI _PSD class. bits-893 ======== - Port BITS to GRUB 2.00 - Drop backported GRUB patches already included in 2.00. - Forward-port our remaining GRUB patches, fix some new bugs in 2.00, and update the patch list in README.Developers.txt accordingly. - Update the build process to support the new build system, based on autotools and autogen. - Since GRUB no longer waits for user input after running a menu entry unless an error occurred, add an explicit pause at the end of entries using the GRUB pager, and add support to our pager to not exit at the end of a file. This has the added bonus of allowing backward scrolling after hitting the end of a file. - Update readline and the pager for changes to GRUB's input interface. Now supports reading keys and modifiers as a unit, avoiding potential race conditions when reading them separately. - Various updates to C code to adapt to new GRUB interfaces. - Fix ACPICA portability interface for changes to GRUB. - Fix some new warnings that GRUB now includes the flags for. - Extensive additions, improvements, and bugfixes to the ACPI parsing infrastructure. In particular: - Add method result parsing and corresponding classes In addition to cleaning up method handling, this paves the way for tests of methods, which the previous decode-print-and-throw-away approach did not support. - Automatically generate the menu of ACPI methods - Improve the Struct and Unpack infrastructure, and factor it out into a separate unpack module for use by other structures, such as SMBIOS. - Add a helper for unpacking a series of substructures Numerous tables follow the pattern of unpacking one of several possible substructure classes repeatedly until running out of data in the unpackable. Capture that pattern in a helper function unpack_all. - Add parsing for the FACP - Handle SRAT subtables with "enabled" other than APIC and X2APIC affinity - Handle systems without an APIC - Fix wrapping of text before paging to avoid hitting 80th column GRUB automatically wraps text at the 80th column, and that automatic wrapping breaks the pager's count of lines. However, acpi wrapped lines at 78 characters and used a two-space indent; thus, lines exactly 78 characters long, or with word lengths that resulted in a 78-character line, would end up printing an 80th character and triggering GRUB's word-wrapping. Fix by changing wrapping to 77 characters. - Many improvements to SMBIOS parsing and decoding; in particular: - Rewrite smbios to use unpack, and decode structures more thoroughly; includes contributions from Scott Lawson. - In type 0 (BIOS information), handle the minor version correctly The minor version in this structure represents the digits of a decimal value, so 34 means .34, 4 means .4, and 41 means .41, so comparing the numeric value of the minor version (for instance, >= 4) does not work correctly. Compare it as a string instead. - When dumping SMBIOS structures, dump the string table and its memory This helps when trying to hand-decode an unknown SMBIOS structure. - Decode several more SMBIOS structures, and handle parse failures more gracefully Previously, decode failures in any SMBIOS structure would result in a complete parse failure and no data. Catch exceptions inside each structure parser, and preserve the fields decoded so far. - Move line-wrapping into ttypager, and use the pager for more menu options SMBIOS, and miscellaneous ACPI bits, now use our pager rather than GRUB's pager. - smp: Mark mp_worker as noreturn Triggers a warning with GCC 4.4.5 otherwise. bits-862 ======== The "A Complicated Parsing Interface (ACPI)" release - Rewrite acpi module to use new unpacking, parsing, and classes This introduces a new data unpacking infrastructure and class, replacing most of the uses of namedtuple with something more extensible and flexible. The new infrastructure handles nested tables and reused common structures much more cleanly, and automatically generates output code based on field-by-field formatting instructions. In the process, add support for several new ACPI tables, including the RSDP, RSDT, XSDT, _MAT, and FACS. Also decode more fields of existing tables, and break out some flags fields into individual flags. Update init and testacpi to handle the changes to the acpi API. Most importantly, this new infrastructure makes it much easier to write tests based on the contents of ACPI tables. - acpi.get_table: Support retrieving the RSDP, RSDT, and XSDT ACPICA's normal AcpiGetTable does not support retrieving these tables by signature. Add C functions in _bits to retrieve them, and then hide the special-casing in a new Python implementation of get_table, so that acpi.get_table works transparently for these tables. - Add new acpi.show_checksum function, to compute and display a table's checksum - Make acpi.get_table's instance parameter default to 1 The underlying AcpiGetTable method accepts either 0 or 1 to refer to the first instance, 2 for the second instance, and so on. Using 0 seems inconsistent; let's embrace the 1-based ordering. - acpi: Preserve linebreaks when wrapping, to improve formatting of tables - Avoid returning duplicate signatures in acpi.get_table_list() acpi.get_table_list() returned one copy of a table signature for each instance of a table. Return a sorted list of unique signatures instead. - init: Make ACPI-related initialization more robust against exceptions bits-849 ======== - Add a top-level menu item to invoke the Python interactive interpreter This avoids the need to hit 'c' for a GRUB command line only to type "python". - Prototype API for hierarchical CPU register decoding. This allows syntax like: platform.cpus[0].cpuids[0].max_leaf platform.cpus[0].cpuids[1].aes platform.cpus[0].msrs.IA32_APIC_BASE.x2apic_enable Infrastructure implemented by Burt Triplett and Josh Triplett. CPUID register decoding implemented by Cathy Ji. - readline: Implement Ctrl-O, to run a line and load the next line from history This makes it easy to re-run multi-line commands, with or without edits. Note that since the Python interactive interpreter requires a blank line after a multi-line block, the history will remember blank lines (though not multiple consecutive blank lines). - Add a new generated menu of all ACPI table decoding options This new menu offers options to dump every table on the system (including multiple instances), and decode any that BITS knows how to decode. Refactor the ACPI menus to split out table decoding, method decoding, OS reporting, and the dump-everything option. - Documentation updates: - Create a new Documentation directory in the source for more detailed documentation. Ship that directory as /boot/Documentation on BITS images, as well. - README: Mention Documentation directory. - Add documentation on Python line-editing keybindings. - Add a top-level menu item to browse documentation. Shows all files in the new Documentation directory, with their filenames and the title from their first line. - Split microcode documentation into a new Documentation/microcode.txt - Split reference-code documentation into a new Documentation/reference-code.txt - README: Move detailed dependency version info to README.Developers.txt. Just leave a simple list of dependencies and links in the credits of README. bits-837 ======== - Update to ACPICA version 20130517 - Update Python to 2.7.5 Update pyconfig.h, handle new definitions for 32-bit and 64-bit sized integer types, and define EINTR (which Python will never receive but nonetheless expects a definition of). - Python readline: write out full lines at a time rather than character-by-character - Add a new Python "bitfields" module for bitfield manipulation Most Intel documentation references bitfields defined as [msb:lsb], or as [bit]; this module allows creating and extracting such fields without having to translate them to shifts and masks. - Add processor socket/core/thread topology decode and display. Contributed by Cathy Ji. - Provide a more user-friendly exception when asking for a CPUID on a non-existent CPU Now raises a RuntimeError with a clear error message, rather than a TypeError complaining about the inability to *-splat out a None. - bits.cpus(): Cache the list of CPUs bits.cpus() recomputed the list of CPUs every time, even though it never changed. Cache it instead. Particularly relevant for bits.bsp_apicid(), which calls bits.cpus() to produce the entire list only to return the zeroth element. bits-829 ======== The "lines and pages" release. - Fix readline for the case of multiple terminals with different sizes In particular, this fixes readline when simultaneously outputting to an 80x24 serial terminal and an 80x25 VGA terminal. - readline: Add Ctrl-Z as an alternative EOF Useful both for users of Python on Windows and as a workaround for some systems which had trouble recognizing the Ctrl-D key combination. - Sort and deduplicate readline completions Python's rlcompleter generates duplicate completions in arbitrary order, counting on readline to sort and deduplicate them. Do so in rlcompleter instead. - Support tab completion of expressions using subscripting with [] - When completing, sort completions starting with '_' last. The current completion display goes through completions sequentially, so sort _internal and especially __magic__ methods last. - Rewrite pydoc's pager to work on a BITS terminal pydoc went through various contortions to detect a proper pager, including using the tempfile module (which BITS doesn't have) to create a temporary file that it didn't actually need. Pull out its ttypager (which almost works as-is) and rework it to run on BITS terminals (plural), with a few enhancements for usability. - Use the new ttypager to view logs, allowing page-up and quitting This one goes out to anyone who has ever viewed a huge logfile and ended up rebooting rather than paging through it all; we felt your pain. - README.txt: Rewrap to 77 character columns to avoid triggering GRUB word wrap - Use the new pager to show README.txt bits-819 ======== - Add a "python" command to invoke the Python interactive interpreter This will launch the normal Python REPL, making it possible to run multi-line commands, nested compound commands, and run expressions having both single and double quotes without worrying about GRUB quoting. And there was much rejoicing. - readline: Support the completer interface, and make tab complete Tab completes by default, without needing to explicitly bind it with something like readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") (which is a no-op for compatibility). The completion interface currently cycles through possible completions, rather than listing possible completions. The list behavior may become available as a configurable option in the future. - Add the Python rlcompleter module, and use it by default. Note that rlcompleter will evaluate Python expressions as it completes them. However, this matches the recent change to the defaults of upstream Python 3, which enables completion by default as well. - readline: Signify EOF by returning an empty string, not by raising EOFError Python generates an EOF internally when the readline function returns an empty string. This fixes the ability to exit. - python: Define the builtin help() function. - Support the Python math module This incorporates additional math functions from fdlibm, as well as some implementations supplied by Python. - Add a new bits.pyfs_file class representing a StringIO-backed temporary file in the (python) filesystem. - Port redirect to use the new pyfs_file abstraction - testsuite: Simplify test config file generation, and only generate it once Previously, testsuite regenerated the config files after each call to add_test. bits-807 ======== - Support a configurable set of operations in batch mode The batch option in bits-cfg.txt now takes a list of keywords for different batch-mode operations. "test" runs the full BITS testsuite as the previous batch mode did. The new "acpi" and "smbios" keywords dump all structures of the corresponding type. - Add a Python implementation of readline Implements most of the standard line-editing keybindings, as well as history, and a stub completer interface for compatibility with the Python readline module. Also add a new "pager" module with context managers to enable and disable the pager, needed as part of readline (which handles the characters<->screen mapping itself). - Use the new Python readline as the default readline for raw_input() Note that Python will only invoke this readline from raw_input() if sys.stdin and sys.stdout refer to the screen directly. By default, BITS captures stdout to the log, causing Python to ignore this readline and use its own, which does not support line editing, echo characters to the screen, or respond to the enter key (use ctrl-J). To use this readline implementation, wrap the code invoking raw_input in a "with redirect.nolog():" context manager block. - Include the Python debugger, pdb, and supporting modules bdb and cmd. Try using"statement") or pdb.runeval("expression") from the command line. If running as part of a function, pass globals=globals() and locals=locals() to use the current context rather than the default top-level context of the Python interpreter. You will need to wrap invocations of pdb in "with redirect.nolog():" to allow pdb to use readline. - Add menu entry to dump all ACPI tables directly to the log - Python API changes: - New context managers redirect.nolog(), redirect.logonly(), and redirect.log() to select whether output goes to the screen only, log only, or both. Sending output only to the log makes sense for large info dumps, such as decoding every structure of a certain type. Sending output only to the screen makes sense for status and progress messages. - Add a bits.pyfs_add_static helper to simplify defining static files in the (python) filesystem. bits.pyfs_add allows adding arbitrary dynamically generated files, but the new pyfs_add_static simplifies the case where the file will never need to change, allowing the caller to supply the contents as a string, rather than a pair of callbacks. - Update to ACPICA version 20130418 - Fix -Wmaybe-uninitialized warnings, which show up by default with newer versions of GCC, and which GRUB's use of -Werror turns into build failures. - Turn off -Wmaybe-uninitialized for Python - Backport upstream GRUB patch to avoid -Wmaybe-uninitialized warnings - Fix a bug that broke batch mode. bits-793 ======== - Support decoding or dumping the ACPI MPST and PMTT tables - Formatting fixes and cleanups for ACPI decoding - Add internal function to dump all ACPI tables bits-786 ======== - Automatically configure and use a serial console if listed in the ACPI Serial Port Console Redirect (SPCR) table. This makes the serial console Just Work on many Intel BIOSes, including those used in many emulated Simics systems, avoiding the need to manually add serial configuration to one of the GRUB configuration files. In addition, this makes it relatively easy to use a serial console with BITS in KVM, by supplying a manually constructed SPCR with -acpitable. - Workaround a bug in syslinux 5 that prevented it from booting BITS. syslinux 5 through at least 5.10-pre2 fails to boot GRUB's lnxboot.img or any other Linux-kernel-like image that has 0 bytes of protected mode code. Work around this by concatenating lnxboot.img and core.img rather than loading the latter as an initrd. - Add decode and display for many more ACPI tables and MADT subtables: - Decode and display the DMAR, HPET, MADT, MCFG, MSCT, SLIT, SPCR, SRAT, and WDDT. - Decode several previously unhandled MADT subtables: I/O APIC, Interrupt Source Override, Non-maskable Interrupt Source (NMI), Local APIC NMI, and Local x2APIC NMI. - For several ACPI structures with enable/disable bits, support printing only enabled fields, to provide more relevant output with BIOSes that disable unused structures rather than omitting them. - Fix GRUB's handling of the pager environment variable, to always enable the pager when setting pager=1 and disable it otherwise, rather than incrementing and decrementing an internal variable. The existing behavior required two "set pager=0" to turn off after two "set pager=1", and effectively enabled the pager when running an unmatched "set pager=0" (since -1 is non-zero) and disabled it with a subsequent "set pager=1". - Work around a bug in the Simics local APIC timer implementation In some Simics implementations of the local APIC timer, the current count would not stop at 0 in one-shot mode, but would instead wrap around to 0xFFFFFFFF and keep counting down. Detect and work around that by also stopping when current count > initial count. Without the workaround, the timers used during the INIT/SIPI sequence would not detect completion unless they happened to see the point where the timer passed through 0. - Update to ACPICA version 20130214. - acpi: Handle processors encoded as Device objects rather than Processor objects; required for systems with more than 255 processors. - When testing the _PSS, fail more gracefully if it doesn't exist at all - Handle systems with up to 384 CPUs (increased from 256). - Increase preallocated log file size to 512k bits-767 ======== - Update to ACPICA version 20120913. bits-763 ======== - Significantly speed up the BITS boot process, by pre-compiling Python code to bytecode. BITS previously spent most of its boot time parsing Python source files and compiling them to bytecode. BITS now compiles its included version of Python for the host system at build time, and uses that to pre-compile all of its Python source files to bytecode. This speeds up BITS boot time by a factor of 10 or so: on fast systems boot time goes from seconds to near-instant, and on slow systems from minutes to seconds. Since the version of GRUB used by BITS doesn't support file modification times (mtime), our version of fstat always returns an mtime of 0, so the build process patches the mtimes stored in the bytecode files to 0 as well. Unfortunately, this defeats the usual Python mechanism to check for up-to-date bytecode, so anyone modifying Python scripts directly on the BITS boot media will need to remove the corresponding .pyc files. However, the recommended procedure of modifying Python files in the BITS source tree and using ./build and ./mkdisk will still work. - Update to ACPICA version 20120620. - Update to Python 2.7.3. - Port the SMI latency test from C to Python. - Add a variant of SMI latency test with USB disabled. - Now that all tests have moved over to Python, remove the C test infrastructure. - Remove the unused C implementation of cpu_freq, previously ported to Python. - Remove the auto-generated list of C-based GRUB commands provided in the menu and the README. As functionality has moved from C to Python, this list has become shorter and less useful, and it doesn't substitute for real documentation. - Improve test log formatting. - Bugfixes: - Fix the return value of fread. - Fix fgetc to not sign-extend characters 0x80 and above. bits-750 ======== - Add new Python interfaces to read and write memory. The new bits.memory function returns a memory buffer as an object, usable with struct.unpack_from for reading and struct.pack_into for writing. bits.memory_addr returns the address of a memory buffer. - Add support for SMBIOS: - Print basic BIOS/system identification to the log. - Add an explore menu option to dump raw SMBIOS structures. - Preliminary API for decoding SMBIOS structures. - Add the Python module uuid. - Port hardware P-State tests to Python, and make them available on all Nehalem and newer CPUs. - Add more P-state tests - No duplicate P-states - No duplicate frequencies - Sorted in descending order of power dissipation - Add a runtime test for ACPI _PSS: transition to the target state and measure the CPU frequency. - Add a Python function to get the current MWAIT state for a CPU; use it to save and restore MWAIT states around P-state tests that need to modify MWAIT to test turbo. - Clean up test detail output logic and APIs. Make testsuite.test always return the test result as a bool, rather than using the return value to indicate whether the caller should print detail. Simplify callers accordingly, now that they no longer need to check the test result separately. Instead, testsuite now remembers the result of the last test, and testsuite.print_detail checks verbosity and that last result, acting as a no-op if the test should not print detail. This allows most callers to use print_detail unconditionally; callers only need to check the detail level (with the new testsuite.show_detail) if they want to avoid doing expensive computations to produce the detail text. - README: Document backported Python patch, and document the remaining patches included in GRUB. - Fix the GRUB distribution shipped with BITS to actually have the backported patches that README says it does. This change allows BITS to compile with newer versions of GCC. - Bugfixes and cleanups: - When printing a cpuid_result, show the registers in hex. - Fix output formatting to wrap each line of detail separately, to avoid breaking pre-formatted text such as tables. - Fix bclk computations in hardware Pstate test. - Factor out memory dumping function from acpi module into a new bits.dumpmem function for use elsewhere. bits-730 ======== - Add support for saving logs to disk. - BITS boot media has a preallocated 128k file /boot/bits-log.txt, and BITS can overwrite this file with log data (filling the remainder with newlines for padding). - Show the BITS version at the start of the BITS log. - Show the BSP processor signature and detected CPU at the start of the BITS log. - To support this new logging, BITS now has support for writing data to files. As long as the file already has the necessary disk blocks preallocated, BITS can overwrite the existing contents of the file. - Add a fully automated batch mode, and a configuration file /boot/bits-cfg.txt with which to enable it. In batch mode, BITS will automatically run all tests and save the log file without requiring any user interaction. - Add support for C-state residency and USB handoff tests to all Nehalem and newer CPUs. - Drop support for trying to take USB back from the BIOS. It never works on any system, and some systems actually hang when trying. - runppm: Add support for PPM RCM specification 12.3, with new error code for reporting unsupported processors. - When a test throws an exception, print the traceback. Together with logging support, this makes it much easier to debug tests. (If you ever see such an exception in your test logs, please report it.) - Add the Python module ConfigParser. - Bugfixes and cleanups: - When showing CPU information, handle a missing MADT. - Read 3-byte PCI class codes via one 4-byte read rather than a 2-byte and 1-byte read. - Handle systems with <255 PCIe busses, by getting start and end bus numbers from MCFG - Skip PCI busses where bus:0:0 does not look like a valid device. - Make MSR blacklists more consistent across CPUs, and add comments on more MSRs. - Support translating ACPICA objects of ACPI_TYPE_POWER to and from Python - Improve ACPI output formatting by wrapping lines. - Drop support for logging to an ACPI table for later retrieval by a booted OS. Saving logs to disk makes this obsolete. bits-707 ======== - Update to ACPICA version 20120215. Update for ACPICA API changes, new source files, and new source layout. - Update MSR consistency blacklists to include MSRs related to Last Branch Records. - runppm: Add support for PPM RCM specification 12.2, and support PPM RCM versions with major and minor revisions, so that runppm works with a range of possible versions rather than just one. - Add an acpi.dumptable() function to dump ACPI tables in hex and ASCII. - Bugfixes and cleanups: - Fix DMAR table parsing. - Clean up various ACPI structures to use classes based on namedtuple with built-in struct parsing information. - Remove doubled parenthesis in menuentry title for MCFG dump bits-691 ======== - Fix setting ACPI processor capabilities (via _OSC and _PDC), broken with the changes to bits.get_cpupaths in bits-688. bits-688 ======== - Test additions and improvements: - Add PSD (P-State Dependency) test for processors which require thread-specific scope for the domain. This test currently only applies to Jaketown (SandyBridge-EP). - Add tests for _PSS (Pstates). - Modify the SMRR test to recognize and abort if model-specific SMRR registers are used. The Intel Software Developer's Manual documents two sets of SMRR registers: the architectural IA32_SMRR_PHYS_BASE and IA32_SMRR_PHYS_MASK supported by all recent processors, which smrr_test can test for, and the older model-specific MSR_SMRR_PHYS_BASE and MSR_SMRR_PHYS_MASK, which smrr_test does not implement tests for. The SMRR test now checks for the latter and stops the test early. - Support "Run all tests" in submenus, and support tests which run in submenus but not from the top-level "Run all tests". This allows the creation of special-purpose test groupings (potentially duplicating tests from elsewhere in BITS), such as for specific test checklists. - Python API additions and improvements: - Add Python API to read and write IO ports. - Add Python API for 64-bit memory reads and writes. - Add methods to the acpi module to parse the _PSD, _PSS, and _CST tables. - testmsr functions now allow specifying highbit and lowbit rather than shift and mask, and adjust printed output accordingly. - Move the Python addr_alignment function to the bits module. - Port more functionality to Python: - Port legacy PCI operations from C to Python using the new IO port API. - Port PCI Express operations from C to Python. - Port the format command to Python. In the process, drop support for calling format without passing --dec or --hex, and drop support for hex numbers suffixed by 'h', since no callers used either of those features. - Remove various C code that became unused with more ports from C to Python. - Merge the "common" C code duplicated in multiple modules into the bitsutil module to share the same implementation. - Drop support for faking 64-bit legacy PCI operations via two 32-bit operations. - Bugfixes: - Fix the docstring for bits.writel to use "dword" rather than "long", for consistency with readl. - bits.socket_index should return None for the socket_index if the acpi_id input parameter is None. - bits.get_cpupaths no longer returns ACPI namepaths for disabled processors. The ACPI namepaths for processors were already verified to have a status of enabled using ACPICA's AcpiGetObjectInfo(). But if the ACPI _STA() method does not exist (which is often the case for older BIOSes which populate processors in the _PR_ scope instead of the _SB_ scope), AcpiGetObjectInfo() returns a status of Present and Enabled. Add an additional check to ensure that each processor has a valid ApicId or a valid UID in the MADT. On systems without an MADT, bits.get_cpupaths just assumes that all CPUs are enabled. - Make the menu entry to run all tests run them in the same order they appear in the test menu, rather than in the arbitrary order of a Python hash. - When running all tests, only print submenu headings if they contain a test. - The Nehalem power management test needs testpci, so import it. bits-642 ======== - Fix MCFG-based PCI Express init to not fail on systems without MCFG. bits-640 ======== - The Python acpi.evaluate function can now call ACPI methods which take arguments. The acpi module now provides unique Python types for each ACPI type, and maps between them for both arguments and return values. - Dynamically generate the test menu from Python, and add infrastructure to register individual tests, including grouping tests into submenus. This eliminates the need to wire up each new test with a boilerplate GRUB cfg snippet. More importantly, BITS now has a "Run all standard tests" option, which will run all tests except those which target non-standard system configurations or for which failures might require a reboot. - Port the majority of BITS tests, commands, and infrastructure from GRUB config files and C functions to Python: - Port the acpi_terminate, msr_available, test_cpuid_consistent, test_msr and test_msr_consistency, test_pci, test_options, and test_summary commands to Python. - Simplify the msr_available command to drop support for the --cpu, $viewpoint, and non-quiet options, all unused in any test script. - Port the CPU-specific MSR consistency tests to Python. - Port the Nehalem and Sandy Bridge power management tests to Python. - Port the SMRR test to Python. - Nehalem and Sandy Bridge power management test suites. - Port CPU frequency detection and display from C to Python. - Delete the C versions of ACPI dissection routines, and the corresponding menu in the Explore menu, in favor of the Python versions. - The Python and C testsuite infrastructures now share verbosity level and test pass/fail counts via the environment, to allow incremental porting. This will go away when the last of the C tests get ported to Python. - Drop all the corresponding commands and infrastructure from the testsuite and acpica modules. - Remove newly obsoleted GRUB cfg files, and remove much of the infrastructure for loading CPU-specific GRUB cfg files, since none will get reintroduced in the future. - Update README.Developers.txt for the wonderful world of Python scripting. In particular, document the most common places to hook in new code. - Python API improvements: - Automatically export all environment variables set from Python (via os.putenv or os.environ), so that they'll remain present when descending to GRUB submenus. - The acpi module has started introducing better handling for parse errors, by throwing exceptions rather than just silently ignoring malformed tables and structures. - The acpi module now provides functions and types for parsing the MADT and MCFG tables, and the per-CPU _MAT structures. - Add an acpi.dump function for convenient command-line debugging. - Use the MCFG table to initialize the PCI Express base address, so PCI Express works automatically on most systems without requiring CPU-specific initialization. - Add support and tests for Jaketown: - MSR consistency test. - Power optimization profile tests. - Improve Sandy Bridge MSR consistency blacklist, adding MSR_PKG_ENERGY_STATUS, MSR_PP0_ENERGY_STATUS, and MSR 613h. - Update to ACPICA version 20111123. - Support adding and removing ACPI _OSI interface strings from Python. Using that support, improve the ACPI OS emulation to support _OSI("Processor Device") when emulating current Windows or supporting all features. - The explore menu now includes an option to decode and display the MCFG. - Formatting improvements: - When printing additional details about a test, wrap and indent each line, so that the top-level test messages stand out as headings. - Formatting improvements to ACPI display routines and to the string representations of ACPI types. - Formatting improvements to the "cpu" command. - Bugfixes: - Propagate the return value of Python-implemented GRUB commands back to GRUB, so that GRUB configuration files can use Python-implemented GRUB commands in conditionals. - GRUB commands accepting MSR numbers now produce an appropriate error when asking for an MSR number larger than 32 bits. - Fix acpi_os.cfg to import the acpi module before calling functions from it. - Fix memory leak of memory read results in testsuite module. (Not normally relevant since GRUB doesn't normally unload modules or free memory before booting an OS.) bits-574 ======== - New Python functionality: - Add a usb module, with support for EHCI handoff and showing host controllers - Add a pci module, which currently supports probing for devices by classcode. - The bits module now has functions to read and write memory, as bytes, words, or dwords. - Preliminary support for reading from stdin from Python; sufficient to allow reading individual characters to implement prompts. - New bits.set_mwait function, to set the MWAIT state used internally by BITS to idle CPUs when not in use. - New bits.bclk function, returning the CPU bclk, which indicates the speed of the APIC timer. - bits.cpuid now returns a namedtuple, allowing access to the return value via named fields (.eax, .ebx, .ecx, .edx) as well as positionally. Use this to clean up various other code. - In grubcmds, add support for registering GRUB commands together with an argparse argument parser. This extracts the help text and synopsis, to make GRUB's "help" command work. - Initialize Python and register Python GRUB commands before running other GRUB scripts. This allows us to implement commands in Python that other GRUB scripts need. - Port many GRUB commands from C to Python. Shared state used by both C and Python commands now lives in GRUB environment variables; once all commands have migrated to Python, the environment variables will go away. - brandstring - cpu - cpu_sleep - cpuid32 (now computes and displays the common bits and common mask for each register, highlighting the differences between CPUs) - pci_read and pci_write - pcie_read and pcie_write - rdmsr (now computes and displays the common bits and common mask, highlighting the differences between CPUs) - set_mwait - timer - wrmsr - Delete some unused GRUB commands: - test_msr_available - test_pci_consistency - test_pcie - testsuite (internal implementation detail) - Add more Python modules from the standard library: - argparse - gettext - locale - textwrap - timeit - Make C and Python testsuites share passed/failed counts via environment variables. This allows incremental migration of test_* commands from C to Python. - Redirect output from Python to a log before running other Python initialization, to capture any errors that might occur. - Add some preliminary parsing for the ACPI MCFG table. In the future, BITS will provide tests for MCFG, and will use it to obtain the PCIe base address. - Updates to runppm: - Add new error code from PPM RCM v12.1 for reporting locked registers/interfaces. - Only print verbose information when the PPM RCM exits unsuccessfully. When successful, shut up about it. - On Sandy Bridge family, don't try to use PPM reference code without a compiled copy of the PPM RCM available. The built-in PPM code only has full support for Nehalem family, and eventually the built-in code will go away entirely in favor of the standalone reference code. We don't want to maintain the same reference code in two places. - Fix warnings from GCC's new -Wunused-but-set-variable option in the RCM code, and backport upstream GRUB fixes for those warnings in the GRUB codebase. These warnings broke the BITS build with GCC 4.6 and newer. - Update README.txt for changes to the top-level BITS menu options. - Update README.Developers.txt with some guidelines for Python code. - Build system fixes: - Fix name of source archive for fdlibm to use .tar.gz, not just .gz - Check for Python, fdlibm, and ACPICA before trying to build, rather than mysteriously failing later in the build process. - Bugfixes: - Fix the docstring of bits.wrmsr to document the return value correctly. - Fix ACPI common prefix printing to not print {} at the end of one-CPU lists bits-511 ======== BITS now logs all of the output from Python-based tests to an in-memory log. BITS has a new top-level menu "View and Save Log", from which you can review the log, clear it, or save it as a new ACPI table with signature BITS. Yes, BITS has the ability to save log output now. And there was much rejoicing. The log includes all output generated from Python scripts in BITS. It does not include non-Python output. Over time, as more of BITS migrates to Python, the log will become more complete. Saving the log will add a new ACPI table with signature BITS, which will exist only until you next boot the system. That table consists of an ACPI header followed by the log file as plain text. To access the log and save it to disk: - Boot any OS which can write to disk. - Dump the ACPI table with signature BITS to a file. - Strip off the ACPI header (the first 36 bytes). Under Linux, you can save the log data with dd as root: dd if=/sys/firmware/acpi/tables/BITS bs=1 skip=36 of=bits.log BITS now implements a new GRUB device, (python), which can expose arbitrary data from Python. This allows any GRUB command which operates on files to operate on arbitrary data provided by Python. It's *almost* like having a writable filesystem. The new log mechanism uses this filesystem, exposing the plain-text log as (python)/log and the version with an ACPI table header as (python)/acpilog. Other future possibilities include: - Dynamic menus: configfile (python)/menu.cfg - Dynamic initramfs: initrd (python)/initramfs.cpio Python code can add new files to the filesystem via the new function bits.pyfs_add. Be creative! Other changes in this release: - Improve the ACPI processor display to show sockets and ACPI scopes. This helps detect systems which do not properly group all the processors from a single socket in a common ACPI scope; this may become a test in future versions of BITS. - Fix ACPI OS selection menu to use functions exposed from the acpi module and not the bits module - Add the standard Python contextlib module. - Compile Python's built-in modules with docstrings. pydoc on built-in Python modules should now be more informative. bits-499 ======== - Support GRUB commands implemented in Python - Provide a pydoc command - Include pydoc's data directory, so pydoc works on keywords and topics, not just Python modules and functions - Add more Python modules from the standard library: - atexit (functions not actually invoked yet, though) - formatter - getopt - logging (but not logging.config or logging.handlers, which want network sockets) - Fix our implementation of the Python os module to re-export bits of os.path expected for compatibility - Implement time.localtime and time.struct_time. localtime uses CMOS time, since we don't have any time zone information available. - Improvements to the Python acpi module: - Functions to list all available ACPI tables - Expose ACPI-related API from the acpi module, not the bits module - Parsing and output formatting improvements - In the built-in _bits module, change all internal functions to have '_' prefixes, to hide them from the public bits module - python testsuite: In generic MSR-handling code, handle GPF and avoid doing math on None - Add a preliminary test to verify processor bus numbers from discovery algorithm against MSR if available - Additions to MSR consistency blacklists for Sandy Bridge and Jaketown bits-474 ======== This release of BITS includes many more modules from the Python standard library. Working Python modules: - abc - array - binascii - bisect - codecs, encodings, and the giant pile of encoding-specific modules - collections - copy - copy_reg - difflib - dis - dummy_thread - errno - fnmatch - functools - __future__ - genericpath - heapq - inspect - itertools - keyword - linecache - opcode - operator - os.path - pkgutil - posixpath - pprint - pydoc (Some features work, requires setting TERM=dumb to prevent it from attempting to exec a pager or create a temporary file.) - repr - re, sre, and family - stat - string - StringIO and cStringIO - strop - token - tokenize - traceback - types - unittest - UserDict - warnings - weakref The os, time, and signal modules exist but consist mostly of stubs to make other modules work; future versions of BITS will contain more complete versions of these modules, but some features will never work in their entirety due to lack of corresponding functionality in GRUB (fork, exec, threads, writable files, signals...). Note, though, that os.environ *does* work and can modify the GRUB environment. - Add a py_options command to set Python options (currently Py_VerboseFlag) - Start moving some tests over to Python, including the MSR consistency test - Support parsing and printing the ACPI DMAR table - Decode ACPI tables into Python namedtuple instances rather than just tuples, so that they have field names. - Update to ACPICA version 20110623. - Update to Python 2.7.2 - Actually initialize the FPU with "finit", to get it into a sane state, rather than counting on the BIOS to leave it in such a state. bits-438 ======== - The BITS Python implementation now supports floating-point. BITS now incorporates fdlibm, the "Freely Distributable libm". - After running the processor power-management reference code, BITS will now re-initialize ACPICA to make it aware of the new tables. - The Python-based code for ACPI exploration (available via the explore menu) now includes many improvements to the ACPI decoding and display: - Provide an exploratory menu to allow changing the requested ACPI PPM features, to emulate different OSes. The underlying functions now support setting the PPM capability flags via _PDC or _OSC. - Improve MADT parsing, and add support for x2APIC. Support and display mappings between CPU paths, procid/UID, and APICID/x2APICID. - Support CPU detection in Python and provide CPU-specific modules. Decode CPU-specific MWAIT hints. - Handle more quirks in ACPI decoding, such as methods which return 0 rather than an expected package, or methods which return NULL. - Handle CPUID leaf 0xB not existing. - Print a warning message for an empty _PSS. - Miscellaneous formatting and display improvements. - Improvements to the built-in "bits" Python module: - Add support for cpuid, wrmsr, PCI, and PCIe - Support retrieving the BSP APIC ID - Improve exception handling, and use exceptions for more types of unexpected errors - Add an acpi_objpaths function to find arbitrary ACPI objects - Add license header to Python modules - rcm: Add and handle a new error code for new versions of the PPM reference code. - NEWS.txt: Formatting fixes in bits-400 Python examples bits-400 ======== This release of BITS incorporates Python. You can now run Python expressions on the command line, and import Python modules from .py files in /boot/python. As a demonstration, we have included a port of the ACPI exploratory menu to a Python script. You can run Python expressions from the BITS command line using the new "py" command: py 'python expression'. For example: py 'print "Hello from Python!"' To run larger quantities of Python code, put it in a module in the /boot/python directory (included in the default module load path), and import it from a Python expression. For example: py 'import acpi' py 'acpi.display_pss()' BITS provides a built-in module "bits" which includes some preliminary bindings to existing BITS functionality; these bindings will expand significantly in subsequent releases, to expose the full functionality currently exposed as GRUB commands. Some examples: py 'import bits' py 'print "TSC: 0x%x" % bits.rdmsr(0, 0x10)' py 'print bits.acpi_eval("\\_PR_.CPU0._PSS")' py 'print repr(bits.acpi_get_table("APIC"))' We currently provide a few other built-in modules, including the "struct" module for decoding more complex binary structures. Future releases will include more of the Python standard library as needed. A few notable limitations: - Floating-point functions will fail when called. - Many file-related functions have limitations based on those of GRUB, and/or things we didn't feel like implementing (such as ungetc and reading from stdin). - No dynamic loading of binary modules; only modules built-in at compile time, and Python source modules. Other changes in this release: - Bugfixes in the existing ACPI menuentries based on GRUB scripting. bits-392 ======== - Update to ACPICA version 20110413 - When displaying ACPI processor objects, look up and display the corresponding APIC ID from the MADT - Support 8-byte PCIe reads and writes, by doing two 4-byte operations bits-386 ======== This release of BITS incorporates the full ACPICA runtime (, and provides commands to decode power-management ACPI structures; see the new "ACPI Exploration" menu under the Explore menu. - Add a new module incorporating ACPICA, and ship an (unmodified) copy of ACPICA in the BITS distribution. - Add commands to explore ACPI processors, P-states, C-states, and T-states: - PROCESSOR objects - _CSD (C-State Dependency) - _CST (C-States) - _PCT (Performance Control) - _PDL (P-State Depth Limit) - _PPC (Performance Present Capabilities) - _PSD (P-State Dependency) - _PSS (Performance Supported States) - _PTC (Processor Throttling Control) - _TDL (T-State Depth Limit) - _TPC (Throttling Present Capabilities) - _TSD (T-State Dependency) - _TSS (Throttling Supported States) - README.Developers.txt: Note that BITS requires tofrodos - build: Copy the .iso to bits-latest.iso for convenience, like the .zip - Move options to boot an MBR into a separate submenu, and move it lower - Wordsmithing on menu entry titles bits-372 ======== - The BITS distribution now includes a bootable ISO image for convenience; thanks to deep magic in GRUB, this image also works as a bootable USB disk image. This image lets you create bootable BITS media more quickly and easily, though the resulting media does not support subsequent modification. For more information, see INSTALL.txt. - Add documentation in INSTALL.txt for upgrading an existing BITS USB disk by replacing the boot directory, without repeating the entire procedure for making the disk bootable. - Note that building BITS from source now constructs an .iso image using grub-mkrescue, which requires xorriso. - Correct the description of the new tests in the previous version of BITS. bits-365 ======== - New tests on the test menu, converted from exploratory options to pass/fail tests: - SMI latency test (requires less than 150 microseconds maximum latency) - C-state residency test (requires at least 85% residency for both core and package C-states) - Change the default test verbosity level to show detailed information about failures. - Split out and extend the MSR consistency test for Sandy Bridge EP - Add a warning to the SMI test that touching the keyboard could affect the results - Backported a GRUB2 fix making the pager environment variable work correctly (bzr revno 3106) - Test command improvements: - Support --cpu in test_msr - Add a --quiet option to the cpu command - Improve documentation for cpu --env - Fun and exciting hacks to make the test_verbose environment variable work properly when set from a submenu - Various formatting and wordsmithing improvements to test text bits-344 ======== - Added a Test Verbose Level Menu to the Test Menu. Using this menu, test output can be changed to provide more or less detailed test results. The Test Verbose Level can also be modified via an the "test_verbose" environment variable. By default, Test Verbose forces minimal output including test strings for FAIL only and a summary including the total PASS and FAIL counts. - Modified the P-state test to determine PASS / FAIL status for each ratio tested. Also moved the P-state test from the Explore menu to the Test menu. - Modified the cpu_freq function to include a new command line option to prevent screen output (quiet mode) and another to force the measured and adjusted frequency values into environment variables. - Corrected the SMP library to ignore the APIC delivery status bit in x2APIC mode. - For Linux-based installations, INSTALL.txt now recommends using the MBR from the Syslinux package. bits-332 ======== - Update MSR Consistency tests to exclude additional MSRs which may be inconsistent but not indicate issues with BIOS initialization. - Updated the test_options' command line help to include verbose level definitions and default value. bits-329 ======== - Fix a bug in the SMI Latency test which caused GPF reset when the SMI Count MSR is unsupported by the processor. Be sure SMI Count MSR read is only read via SMP function to ensure that GPF handling is performed. bits-327 ======== - Check MSR_SMI_COUNT (0x34) in the SMI test. - Detect Intel Atom processors - Add initial MSR consistency check for Atom - Check package C2 residency on Sandy Bridge - Use GRUB's "export" command to simplify use of common variables in many configuration scripts. - Fix typo in install-mbr invocation in INSTALL.txt: it should use a disk device, not a partition device. Thanks to "hans Bogert, van den" for the report. - Ship COPYING in the boot/ directory of the .zip distribution, not just in the source code provided in boot/src/bits-*.tar.gz - Fix script error that impacted availability of C-state residency tests on some systems. bits-316 ======== - Build process improvements, particularly for builds from release tarballs rather than from the git repository. - Build with -fno-strict-aliasing; otherwise recent GCC warns about our various exciting pointer manipulations. bits-310 ======== - Documentation updates. - Produce a GRUB tarball by hand, rather than using make dist. In the GRUB snapshot we use (revno 2587), make dist omits various files essential to the build, such as util/ As a temporary workaround, generate the GRUB tarball by hand, by making maintainer-clean and then tarring up the GRUB source directory. bits-307 ======== - Add power management test suite for Sandy Bridge microarchitecture. - Make build scripts do more autodetection to avoid hardcoding paths to the BITS source and GRUB2 source in $HOME. Look for GRUB2 source at ../grub relative to the BITS source directory, and support specifying an explicit path via the grub_src environment variable. - Ship NEWS.txt in the BITS distribution so it ends up on BITS boot media. bits-300 ======== - Change the syslinux configuration file to use the "append" command rather than the "initrd" command, for compatibility with syslinux releases older than 3.71. Thanks to Darrick Wong for the report. - Improvements to the Linux installation instructions for constructing a USB disk. bits-295 ======== - Initial public release of BITS.