This release note and the software it accompanies it are copyright (c) 2002, Intel Corporation, and may only be installed and used in accordance with the license that accompanies the software. File name: SUSE71_2_drv_204.exe This download supports the following Intel(R) Server RAID Controllers: *SRCU31A *SRCMR *SRCMRU *SRCU32 Attention! =========== This program will extract a copy the SuSE71 RAID driver to a floppy diskette. Please refer to product and OS documentation for application instructions for this driver. Contents ========= This file contains the gdth driver and install update for SuSE71 and SuSE72 each in their own directory. Using This Tool ================ 1. Under Windows 2000, double click the SuSE71_2_drv.exe file to extract the files to a floppy diskette 2. Boot from SuSE 7.1 or 7.2 floppy, cdrom or DVD. 3. At the Splash-Screen (boot prompt) press the key. The message appears. 4. Continue with the menu entry installation and wait for the installer to ask you to insert the driver disk. Insert the driver disk and continue. 5. Follow instructions from SuSE Installation manual from there on.