This SUP was created October 14, 2004 SE7501BR2 System Update Package (SUP) Disk 1 of 1 FRU/SDR 5.6.J BMC 1.19 HSC .10 BIOS Production 20 (Build 0079) DEPENDENCIES: You MUST boot system from SYSTEM RESOURCE CD to run this disk. CONTENTS 1.bat [Creates SUP floppy disk] 2.bat [Creates BIOS floppy disk] 3.bat [Creates BMC floppy disk] 4.bat [Creates FRU/SDR floppy disk] 5.bat [Creates HSC (Intel(R) Server Chassis SC5200/SC5250-E) floppy disk] DATA.LZH [bios, bmc, hsc, fru/sdr files compressed with lha] INSTALL.TXT [this file] LHA.EXE [compression/decompression utility] license.txt [license agreement] MAKEDISK.BAT [Menu for creating individual floppy disks] NED.CFG [text editor configuration file] REBOOT.COM [Restart computer] restart.bat [Batch file calling REBOOT.COM] SETUP.BAT [Calls sup.bat within a command process] sup.bat [Initiates floppy disk creation process] sup.txt [Release notes for the SUP package] INSTRUCTIONS: 1) Extract the contents of SUP executable file to a DOS-formatted floppy disk. If you don't have DOS available, boot the server to the System Resource CD that shipped with the server. At the menu, select "Quit to DOS". From the C:\ prompt, type "FORMAT A:" and press Enter. NOTE: All Intel(r) server board System Resource CDs include ROM-DOS; you don't necessarily have to use the System Resource CD that shipped with your server to create a formatted floppy. 2) Boot the server from the "SERVER BOARD RESOURCE CD" that shipped with the Intel server. 3) After booting from the CD, select "QUIT TO DOS" from the menu. 4) Place the System Update Package disk in the A: drive and type the command A:\SETUP.BAT then press ENTER. 5) Read the license agreement. 6) Accept the license agreement to continue. 7) The System Update Package menu will appear. Perform the steps in numerical order to update the firmware and the BIOS. If you have questions on any of the utilities, please view the SUP.TXT and README.TXT files. 9) After finishing the BIOS update, reboot the server and press F2 to customize the BIOS settings. For updates and technical assistance, please visit [END OF INSTALL.TXT]