This release note and the software that accompanies it are copyright (c) 2005, Intel Corporation, and may only be installed and used in accordance with the license that accompanies the software. This download supports Intel(R) RAID controllers using software stack 2 (SROMBU42E,SRCU42X, SRCU42E, SRCU41L, SRCS16, SRCS28X, & SRCZCRX) please verify that this Utility has been tested with the RAID card you have chosen to use by checking the drivers web page for your controller at ================ Package Information ================ version = 2.8-00-5 ==================== Attention! ==================== This download supports Intel(R) SCSI RAID controllers using software stack 2 (the SRCU42E, SROMBU42E, SRCU42X, SRCZCRX, SRCU41L, & SRCS16), please verify that this driver has been tested with the RAID card you have chosen to use by checking the drivers web page for your controller at //Support.Intel.Com. This package contains the Linux* version of Intel(R) RAID Web Console. This application is dependent on the Java Runtime environment(JRE) which is provided with this release. Please refer to the RAID controller's software guide for installation instructions for the JRE and WebConsole application. ================ Known Restrictions ================ This utility is not compatible with the SRCU21, SRCU31, SRCU31L, SRCMR, SRCZCR, SRCU32, SRCU42L, or SRCS14L RAID controllers. 1) Use .jar file to install RWC on SLES8.0. 2) To start/stop WebServer manually for SLES8.0 system then run and file . 3) Use .bin file to install RWC for non-SLES8 system. 4) To start/stop WebServer manually for NON-SLES8.0 system then run and file. 5) Not working under SLES8.0 with JDK 1.4.X due to JRE problem 6) Use .jar file to install MCC on SLES8.0. 7) Use .bin file for non-SLES8 system. 8) RSLinux Should not run the RaidServ application directly from command prompt. Under 64 bit system it will flood the dmesg with “unalign access” message. Always run it through rslinux script under /etc/rc.d…. ==================== Contents on the package ==================== The following files are included in this package: Name Description RAID_Web_Console_Linux.bin Web Console integrated Package RAID_Web_Console_Linux.jar Web Console Jar file (SuSE install) Web License.rtf License file Linux_WebConsole_readme.txt This file ================== Installation Instructions ================== For complete installation steps please refer to the product's Software User Guide. Summary of Installation Steps: 1) Copy the zip contents to a directory on the target server. 2) Install the JRE package with the following command: ./Linux2.6-00-1.bin 3) Modify the path statement to include the java directory 4) Reboot the server 5) Following installation of the JRE, switch to GUI screen (KDE/GNOME etc) as the installation will only work on X-Terminal screens. 6) Install RWC with .jar file on the system where JRE is installed. type “java –jar [cd mount point]/installation file”. e.g. java –jar /mnt/cdrom/RAID_Web_Console_Linux.jar” 7) WebServer should start automatically when installation completes. 8) Go to browser and type "http://localhost:3570", you should be able to connet. 9) use and to start/stop webserver manually. Installation of JRE is not required to install RWC anymore for NON-SLES8 users. For SLES8 user will need to have JRE installed on IA64 machine and run .jar file instead of .bin file to install RWC. Use and file to start/stop webserver for SLES8 system. Component Features 1) Use .jar file to install RWC on SLES8.0. 2) To start/stop WebServer manually for SLES8.0 system then run and file . 3) Use .bin file to install RWC for non-SLES8 system. 4) To start/stop WebServer manually for NON-SLES8.0 system then run and file. ================ Component Features ================ N/A ================ Known Issues ================ N/A ================ Fixes/Updates ================ Added Random deletion support, but this feature is dependent on random deletion being enabled in the RAID controller firmware default settings. ======================================================================================= Detailed Intel(r) RAID Web Console Installation requirements and Instructions for Linux ====================================================================================== Contents: 1. Requirement 2. Installation Steps 3. Uninstallation Steps 4. Set & Modify Password 5. Miscellaneous points System Requirements: 1) Ultra 320 controllers 2) IX86 based processors OS Requirement: 1) Linux Redhat* 7.0 or above 2) Advance Server 3.0 or above 3) Caldera* 4) SuSE* Client Requirement: 1) Installation will work only on Xterminal Screens. Information below lists all the features of Intel(r) RAID Web Console and their requirements. NOTE: Features are from the user's point of view and may consist of one or more components. RAID Web Server: There is no requirement for installing Web Server. Web Server is installed in /opt/MCC directory. JRE 1.3.x or above is required. The Web Server files are simply copied to /opt/MCC directory. Registration Server: TCP Stack needs to be up and running for Registration Server to function. RegSvr file will be copied to /usr/sbin directory. Default Registration server name is "localhost". RAID Server: RAID server and its sub features can be installed only if "megaraid" driver is found and loaded. Installer determine driver availability by using 'lsmod' command. 2. Installation Steps: For IA32 system : a. You don't have to install Java RunTIme Environment before running installer. Just use .bin file provided to install RAID Web Console for IA32 system. Installer will install Java Runtime Environment along with RAID Web Console. b. Raid Web Console Installation Steps: 1) switch to GUI screen (KDE/GNOME etc). 2) Copy Linux.bin(where as Linux will remain same and version number of the package will be changed) into a directory storage) 3) Change to above directory. 4) At the shell prompt, type "./Linux.bin" to run installation thru GUI mode. 5) Go thru installation steps and click finish when installation completes. Raid Web Console Uninstalling Steps: Switch to GUI screen. Go to the directory /opt/MCC/_uninst At the shell prompt, type "./uninstall.bin". For IA64 system : Raid Web Console installation Steps: Please insure that Java RunTIme Environment is installed(jre 1.3.x comes preinstalled with OS) and path system variable is updated with JRE location. User .jar file to install RAID Web Console. 1) switch to GUI screen (KDE/GNOME etc). 2) Copy Linux.jar(where as Linux will remain same and version number of the package will be changed) into a directory (storage) 3) Change to above directory. 4) At the shell prompt, type "java -jar Linux.jar" to run installation thru GUI mode or type java -jar Linux.jar -console or -silent to go thru non-GUI instllation . Raid Web Console Uninstalling Steps: Switch to GUI screen. Go to the directory /opt/MCC/_uninst At the shell prompt, type "java -jar uninstall.jar". NOTE: Intel(r) RAID Web Console Installation does not support component updates currently. One must uninstall a feature and reinstall that particular feature. 3. Reconfiguring Web Server and RAID Servers: There are two ways to run Intel(r) RAID Web Console. First is locally, where all the components are in a single machine. The other is where there are multiple systems running RAID Servers in the network. Following description applies to both. Running locally must be treated as a special case of the former. Installation will install component based upon user's choice whether they want to install "standalone" or "networking". Installation starts RAID Server, Registration Server and RAID Server automatically depending up on user's choice. * Web Server is UNAWARE of registration server. It knows only about RAID Servers. * RAID Servers are UNAWARE of Web Server. They know only about Registration Server. * Registration Server is UNAWARE of both - Web Server and RAID Servers. Follow these steps to configure Web Server and RAID Servers. INSTALLATION DOES THESE STEPS AUTOMATICALLY DURING INSTALLATION DEPENDING UP ON USER'S CHOICE. * There must be only one Registration Server running in the network. It can co-exist with either Web Server or any RAID Server. Of course, in the LOCAL (standalone) setup, all the components run on a same machine. * Registration Server must be running before the RAID Servers are started. Registration Server can be started by typing /usr/sbin/RegSvr at the prompt. (/usr/sbin/RegSvr -stop to stop). Installation does this automatically before completing installation. * First task is to make a RAID Server become aware of the Registration Server. To do this: a. Registration Server: * Open /etc/regserv.dat * Type either the IP or the name of the server running the Registration Server. * If you are using the name instead of IP, make sure the name is resolvable. (Try pinging the server using name). * If the name is not resolved, you can add the name to "hosts" file. (/etc/hosts) * If everything is running locally, you may type "localhost" or in the first line of /etc/regserv.dat * The above steps must be done in each machine where RAID Server is running. Once that is done, all RAID Servers may be started. To start a RAID Server type /user/sbin/RSLinux at the prompt. (Type /usr/sbin/StopServer to stop a RAID Server) b. Web Server: * Now Web Server must be made to point at any of the RAID Servers. To do this: * Open the file /opt/MCC/ * This file contains many NAME=VALUE pairs. * Locate the name "RAID_SERVER_NAME" * Type either the name or IP of a RAID Server. * If you are using the name, make sure it is resolvable. (Try pinging the machine using the name). * If the name is not resolved, you can add the name to "hosts" file. (/etc/hosts) * If everything is running locally, you may type RAID_SERVER_NAME=localhost * Now start the Web Server by typing "sh /opt/MCC/". * To stop Web Server type "sh /opt/MCC/". 4. How to set & modify Full Access Password: * Password must be set on every machine that runs RAID Server (RSLinux). * To set the password for the first time, type /usr/sbin/SetPass at the shell prompt. * SetPass utility prompts user to enter a new password and confirm it. * Length of the password must not be more than 40 characters. * If a password has already been set, then SetPass allows a user to modify it. * Password is maintained in the file /etc/raidpass.val * Password needs to be set every time you uninstall and install Intel(r) RAID Web Console 5. Miscellaneous points: * log files (RSMessages.log & PollMessages.log) are created in the directory /var/log * /usr/sbin/RSLinux -ver will now print version information. * Starting from Version 1.21-1, a new facility to limit the size of log files is added. * Open the file /etc/rslinux.cfg. * This is basically an INF kind of file with parameters in the form of NAME=VALUE. * The NAME "max_log" specifies the maximum size (in bytes) up to which a log file can grow. * RAID Server periodically examines the file size and trims the file to half the maximum size set. For example, if the maximum size is 2MB, then when the file crosses 2MB, it is truncated to roughly 1MB size. The default value is 1MB. * The NAME "trim_interval" specifies the length of the period after which next size check for trimming is scheduled. The default value is 120 minutes. * The oldest messages are deleted first. * Log files log messages whose severity value is equal or more than the value set in /etc/rslinux.cfg. *Third-party trademarks are the property of their respective owners.