One-Boot Flash Update Utility Release Notes Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Intel Corporation All Rights Reserved May 13, 2005 The One-Boot Flash Update Utility is a program used for updating the system BIOS, BMC, Field Replaceable Units (FRU), and the Sensor Data Records (SDR) of systems that support the Rolling Update feature. RELEASE NOTES FOR THE One-Boot FLASH UPDATE UTILITY VERSION 8.60 Build 5 (RC1) A. CHANGES SINCE PREVIOUS VERSION Build 4 (PR) 1. Added support for RHEL 3.0 EM64T and SLES9 EM64T. B. DEPENDENCIES 1. The hex files used for BMC updates should be BMC31 or later. 2. The BIOS capsule files used for this release should be P03 or later. 3. FRUSDR package used for this release should be 021 or later. 4. The One-Boot Flash Update utility requires that the Flash Update ( FW_UD ) and Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) driver already been installed, prior to running the utility. The drivers get installed during installation of the One-Boot Flash Update utility, (see sections D and E below). 5. For Linux, prior to installing the One-Boot Flash Update utility, the following needs be installed: a. w3c libraries i) Red Hat EL 3.0: These are supplied with the Red Hat distribution CD's. The packages containing w3c libraries cannot be selected individually with the Red Hat EL 3.0 installation wizard. To install the w3c libraries after Red Hat has already been installed, insert the Red Hat EL 3.0 CD #2 into the CD ROM drive, mount the cdrom drive, using the following command: "mount /mnt/cdrom" change directory to the /mnt/cdrom/RedHat/RPMS folder. Then execute the following command: "rpm -i w3c-libwww-5.4.0-5.i386.rpm". ii) SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 9: This library is a part of the utility package, execute the following command to install: "rpm -i w3c-libwww-5.4.0-1.i586.rpm". b. The kernel source code needs to be installed. This is required for dynamically building and installing the Flash Update and IPMI driver. The kernel source code can be installed by selecting “Kernel development” package from the “Development” package group during “Package Group Selection” phase of the installation wizard. 7. When running the One-Boot Flash Update utility, the current working directory must be the location where the flashupdt executable and the \enus folder reside. Running the utility from a different directory is not supported. 8. All package files mentioned in the flashupdt.cfg file should be present in the same folder where the flashupdt.cfg file resides. 9. System should be rebooted after uninstalling the driver in Windows. 10.Intel recommends that when upgrading or downgrading the BIOS, do one one version seperation. C. COMMAND LINE INTERFACE Syntax: flashupdt [-h] [-c] [-i] [-u {URL or path of update package}] where -h : (or -?) Displays the command line help. -i : Displays the current BIOS, BMC, and SDR versions of the system. This option can also be used in conjunction with -u to display the version information contained in the update package files. -u : Updates the BIOS, BMC and SDR as specified in the CFG file. The URL or path, if any, of the update package must immediately follow this option. The package files can reside on a local drive. The current directory is used if no location is specified. -c : This option is used to cancel all pending BMC and SDR update operations by resetting the BMC update notification flag. BIOS and FRU updates can not be cancelled with this option (FRU updates take effect immediately). This utility resets the internal BMC flag to cancel the update operation whether there is one or not.. D. WINDOWS INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL Installation of One-Boot Flash Update utility via the install script 1. Unzip the "ofu-win32" file into a folder on your hard drive. (e.g. c:\ofu) 2. Open a command prompt and change to that directory (e.g. cd c:\ofu). 3. Execute "install.cmd " specifying the full path of the folder in which you unzipped the ofu-win32 zip file (e.g. "install c:\ofu"). This install script will install the flashud.sys and imbdrv.sys driver. 4. Reboot the system to complete the update. To run the One-Boot Flash Update utility, open a command prompt, and change directory to the folder in which the flashupdt.exe file resides (e.g. cd c:\ofu). Run the utility as described in section C above. Removal of One-Boot Flash Update utility Note : The IPMI driver is also used and required by SNMP Agent. If SNMP Agent is installed concurrently with this utility, then do NOT remove the IPMI driver, or else SNMP Agent will fail to function properly. 1. Change to the directory where the utility is installed (e.g. cd c:\ofu) 2. Execute "win2kuninstall *IMBDRV" and reboot the system. This will uninstall the IPMI driver used by the utility. 3. Execute "win2kuninstall *INT0800" and reboot the system. This will uninstall the flashupdt driver used by the utility. E. LINUX INSTALLATION 1. The installation of the One-Boot Flash Update utility requires the following three separate RPM files to be installed. a. On Red Hat EL 3.0 Linux a. fw_ud-1.8.60-1.rpm b. ldipmi-8.50.0.i386.rpm c. flashupdt-1.8.60-1.i386.rpm b. On SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 (SLES 9) a. fw_ud-1.8.60-1.i586.rpm b. ldipmi-8.50.0.i386.rpm c. flashupdt-1.8.60-1.i586.rpm The first RPM file contains the Flash Update driver for the BIOS. On install- ing, the driver would be built on the target linux based on different linux flavors. The second RPM file contains the Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) package. The last RPM file contains the One-Boot Flash Update Utility. Each RPM file may be installed separately using the following command: rpm -Uvh Alternatively, there is an installation script called, "installme", which will ensure all components of the One-Boot Flash Update utility are installed. To install the One-Boot Flash Update utility using the installme script, perform the steps below. 2. Prior to installing this version of the One-Boot Flash Update utility, the installme script removes the rpm's in the order mentioned below and does the install of the rpm's as mentioned in point 1. The order in which the rpm's get uninstalled is as : rpm –e fw_ud rpm -e flashupdt rpm -e ldipmi 3. Please ensure that the /sbin directory is part of the system path. The current system path on the server can be displayed by executing the following command: echo $PATH 4. Execute the installme script to install this utility a. The script tries to verify that the w3c libraries are installed. If the w3c-libwww package is not installed, then the script will exit and display a message indicating that the w3c-www package must be installed prior to installing the One-Boot Flash Update utility. b. If the w3c-libwww package is already installed, then the installme script will install the One-Boot Flash Update utility, which is contained in the RPM package with the file name "flashupdt-1.8.60-1.i386.rpm (EL3.0)" and "flashupdt-1.8.60-1.i586.rpm (SLES9)" c. Next the installme script determines the version of the Linux kernel running on your server and dynamically builds and installs the correct IPMI driver on your server. d. The script also installs the Flash Update rpm “fw_ud-1.8.60-1.rpm (EL3.0)” and "fw_ud-1.8.60-1.i586.rpm (SLES9)" which installs and builds the driver on the Linux OS Platform. 5. After installation, a reboot is NOT required prior to running the utility. If the system is ever rebooted, the Flash Update and IPMI drivers will get loaded at boot time, so it is not necessary to re-install the driver or the One-Boot Flash Update utility after a reboot. 6. To run the One-Boot Flash Update utility, change the working directory to the /usr/local/flashupdt directory. 7. You may now run the utility as described in section C above. NOTE: In linux when executing a file, you must precede the name of the executable with its path, (e.g. "./flashupdt -?"). Removal of One-Boot Flash Update Utility Note: ldipmi package is also used and required by SNMP Agent.If SNMP Agent is installed concurrently with this utility, then do NOT remove ldipmi package, or else SNMP Agent will fail to function properly. To uninstall the One-Boot Flash Update utility, the following packages must be removed: flashupdt, fw_ud and ldipmi. This can be done by executing the following commands: rpm –e flashupdt rpm –e fw_ud rpm –e ldipmi F. SAMPLE UPDATE PACKAGE CONTENT The following is a list of files that make up a complete update package: 1. Configuration File (CFG) named flashupdt.cfg. There will be a supplied flashupdt.cfg supplied with the update package. This file should have the following format (files names are examples): BIOSNAME "SHW4.cap" FWNAME "HwBMC31.HEX" SDRNAME "SHW4_021.sdr" FRUNAME "SHW4MBD2.FRU" 2. Latest BMC Hex file (example: HWBMC31.hex) 3. Latest FRU files (example: SHW4MBD2.fru) 4. Latest SDR file (example: SHW4_021.sdr) 5. Latest BIOS file (example: SHW4.CAP) G. SUPPORTED PLATFORMS 1. SR4850HW4 and SR6850HW4 The Supported BIOS for this Board should be SHW40.86B. H. KNOWN ISSUES 1. The OS of the FTP/HTTP server must match the OS where the utility is running on; otherwise, the download of the update files may fail. The workarounds are to use the same OS or to download the files to a local directory. See matrix below for working configurations: Target Server Windows 2003 Linux Update All FTP HTTP FTP HTTP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Windows 2003 Pass Pass Fail Fail Linux Fail Fail Pass Pass 2. The windows OFU driver is not certified. Press "Yes" in the confirmation dialog, displayed during driver installation. 3. When a user id and password is used with the ftp option, if the package files are located on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 (ES) based ftp server, the full absolute path of the package location on the ftp server must be specified. The package location on the ftp site cannot be relative to the home directory of the user id/ password used. Third-party brands and names are the property of their respective owners. (end)